The Geekie Awards: One Award Show to Bind Them All
Posted By Dan Kurtz on January 19, 2013
Geeks, Nerds & Dorks rejoice! No longer will the Short films, Web Series, Podcasts and many other cultural treasures that we hold near and dear be left standing alone in the cold while the cool kids have their mainstream award shows.
Welcome to The Geekie Awards! This brainchild comes to us by way of internet multi-talent, Kristen Nedopak and Firstglance Film Festival Founder, Bill Ostroff. The Geekie Awards are attempting to bring all of our beloved genres under one roof: Short films, Web series, One shots, Podcasts, Comic books & Graphic Novels, Video Games, Cosplay, Toys & Games, Arts/Crafts/Food, Retail stores & Websites, as well as Crowd funded projects. It’s one giant geek burrito!
The event will be a massive undertaking, and the Judges panel is a veritable fellowship of Film, Internet, and Geek culture experts. Open submissions began on December 1st and will continue until March 1st. Submission entries are reasonably priced at a mere $45 per entry for those of us living in the real economy.
If you or someone you know would like to submit entries, the link below will provide additional info:
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