Let Paul & Storm Take You to LearningTown

Posted By on January 29, 2013


What happens when Captain Kangaroo, The Muppet Show, and Flight of the Conchords have a drunken one night stand? You get the newest show to hit the Geek and Sundry lineup, LearningTown! Self-labeled Comedy Novelty Funnymen Musicians, Paul & Storm, have put together an offering of dead childhood entertainers, hipster riffing, and awkward open mic nights in this quirky, not for children web-series.

The back story is aptly narrated by a disconnected and overly animated entertainment reporter (Michael Buckley) who nails all of the internet clichés like, “that’s the show, love you, thanks for subscribing!” It begins with the untimely death of LearningTown’s  beloved host, Learning Larry, on the eve of Paul & Storm’s big television appearance. Enter opportunity and a disturbingly accurate Meatloaf-esque musical number. Paul and Storm are offered a chance to fill the shoes of departed Learning Larry. They snag a coveted time slot which puts them at odds with the creators of the uber popular, kiddie-hipster show, Hikky Burr. The show is a mash of Yo Gabba Gabba monsters,  mustache-clad children, and hipster catch phrases like, “Fruit is Swag!” How could Hikky Burr not be the most annoying show on television?

Self-doubt keeps Paul from accepting the duo’s fate. Meanwhile, Storm digs in and pushes them forward into uncertain waters. After a confrontation with the creators of Hikky Burr, Ace and Karen (it’s a nickname, with a long and ironic story behind it), Paul’s underdog spirit finally emerges and helps him get his head in the game.

The show has music, cross-dressing, misogynistic hipsters, flaming puppets, and an opportunity for a “That’s the name of my (fill-in the blank) cover band,” drinking game. What more could you possibly want from a web series? Maybe guest stars like: James Urbaniak from The Venture Bros. and Weird Al Yankovic.

The ten episode season of LearningTown will air every Tuesday on Geek and Sundry. Be sure to click the link below to check it out and SUBSCRIBE!



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One Response to “Let Paul & Storm Take You to LearningTown”

  1. Geek & Sundry - Community Features for February 21st, 2013 says:

    [...] Nerd Span has a great introduction to LearningTown. [...]

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About the Author

Dan Kurtz
Dan Kurtz (@DVK33) is an avid watcher of all things Internet. Moderately logical, overly sarcastic, and charmingly self-deprecating. He's a Creative Writing Major currently ignoring classwork so he can focus on what really matters in life; watching everything on Youtube and bothering people on Twitter.