Evil Empire #1 Preview

Posted By on March 3, 2014

From BOOM!:

WHY WE LOVE IT: After POLARITY, we just had to work with writer (and Say Anything lead singer) Max Bemis again, and his thrilling take on how a modern society could evolve into an evil empire is absolutely terrifying.

WHY YOU WILL LOVE IT: Every fan of fiction is aware of the trope of the “evil, sinister empire” i.e. the Empire in “Star Wars.” Oftentimes, when we are introduced to these totalitarian establishments, they are already fully in power and it’s up to our hero to bring back order and peace. However, in EVIL EMPIRE, we explore how that would unfold in a real-world setting. How close to the precipice are we right now in the world we live in? Would we let it happen? More specific to this tale: Would we secretly WANT it to happen?

WHAT IT’S ABOUT: Told through the perspective of an underground rapper named Reese, Max Bemis’ gripping story explores a scenario in which we watch modern society gradually evolve (or is it devolve?) into an evil empire.

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About the Author

Mara Whiteside is a doctoral student in School Psychology with a research focus in comic books and how to use this medium in therapy and educational settings. She tends to spend most of her day reading comic books, writing about comic books, and thinking about comic books (kind of a one-track mind…). Mara’s other hobbies include reading manga, playing Dungeons & Dragons, and improving her understanding of visual literacy. You can find her at www.thesecretlifeofcomicbooks.blogspot.com and www.talkingcomicbooks.com. Follow her on Twitter as @MarvelousMaraW.