Comic Review: Vaxdor and the Ikton Conflict
Posted By MaraW on November 10, 2013
Vaxdor and the Ikton Conflict, by Troy Vevasis and Lee Milewski, is an interpretation of the alien savior and good vs. evil. Ikton, a planet, has been the ruthless overlord of a moon called Locton. The inhabitants of Locton are left defenseless and overpowered. While no explanation for Ikton’s actions are explained, it is clear that this relationship needs to end as quickly as possible.
Vaxdor is described as the most dreaded being in the universe, and his first few panels live up to that reputation. With little time wasted on diplomacy, Vaxdor proceeds to enact his unique brand of justice on the Ikton inhabitants. Whether Vaxdor was hired as a mercenary or is showing a soft side for underdogs, he certainly shows no mercy to those who harm others.
Vaxdor and the Ikton Conflict is a quick read, perfect for first time comic book readers. The dialogue is sparse, but the action is prominent. The bright colors and stylized violence is appropriate for older children. The plot is straight forward and leaves many questions unanswered, namely who Vaxdor is and why he is so concerned with the plight of the Loctonians. Vevasis leaves enough open at the end of the story to justify returning to this setting and learning more about the brutal protector.
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