Artist Alley: Jeffery Cruz’s Image Reimagined
Posted By Leo Reyna on February 18, 2013
If there’s one audience that’s familiar with the term “reboot”, it would be the comic book audience. After all, the market’s big two publishers have relaunched their comic book series numerous times over the years, with DC Comic’s The New 52 and Marvel Comics’s Marvel Now initiative being the latest examples. However, a massive style overhaul from an independent publisher is rarely heard of in this industry, which is why Jefferey Cruz’s imaginative redesign of new and classic characters from Image Comics is a must-see. Originally drawn for the Deviantart group, SketchJam, Cruz took well-known Image characters like Savage Dragon, Invincible, and the Maxx and gave them visual makeovers. Despite their new depiction, Cruz’s redesign stays true to the original ideas of the characters, which is exactly what a successful reboot should do. Below are Cruz’s redesigns.
For more of Cruz’s artwork, please visit his Deviantart account.
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