Comic Review: Vaxdor and the Ikton Conflict

| November 10, 2013

Vaxdor and the Ikton Conflict

Vaxdor and the Ikton Conflict, by Troy Vevasis and Lee Milewski, is an interpretation of the alien savior and good vs. evil. Ikton, a planet, has been the ruthless overlord of a moon called Locton. The inhabitants of Locton are left defenseless and overpowered. While no explanation for Ikton’s actions are explained, it is clear [...]

Unfunded Comics: Lee Milewski and With The Earth Above Us

| September 27, 2013

Tangled Weeds #1 Cover

With the increasing popularity of Kickstarter, it seems like everyone with an idea for a comic is turning to crowdfunding in order to make their dream a reality, to the point that you almost can’t go a day without seeing a tweet, Facebook post, or other social media plug for some project or another. While, [...]