Geek Start a Go Go- Nobility

Posted By on July 26, 2013

What is Nobility?


From the creators: “Nobility is a new sci-fi dramedy dubbed “The Office” meets “Firefly”. Set 700 years in the future, it’s about the C.A.S. Nobility, Humanity’s most powerful starship with a crew that’s, well, anything but noble. Instead of the best-of-the-best we have an apathetic, pleasure-seeking, Captain, an engineer who’s so lazy he won’t even speak, a condescending first officer, as well as an effeminate navigator who thinks himself a cowboy! But Nobility is more than just an awesome new sci-fi dramedy. Every year we see sci-fi series, stories that affect us on a personal level, tossed aside by people more interested in reality TV than the shows we care about – people who think that fans like us aren’t enough to keep a story going.”

“As a Cowboy Errant production we can guarantee that will not happen. Cowboy Errant is a science-fiction production company dedicated to enabling the people who matter, THE FANS, to take ownership of the science-fiction genre. To do this we’re creating a community and knowledge base so that we, the fans, can create our own stories without having to worry about others stepping in and telling us when the story is over. And Nobility is the first step on that road.”


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About the Author

Bill Ostroff
Bill Ostroff (Producer/Director/Writer) is a self proclaimed geek and multimedia producer. He has produced 29 film festivals, works in the film/ TV industry as an AD, with over 100 credits to his name, and has watched over 15,000 independent films and has worked with multiple .com startups in his career creating original content. After successfully raising over $11,000 on Kickstarter for his web series, Jedi Camp, he has been promoting crowdfunding campaigns through his festival site, FirstGlance Film Fests, and was invited to do the same for independent Geek projects on NerdSpan.