Hacktivity #1
If you missed it last week, the first issue of Hacktivity was reviewed, and I liked it. Now, Ovi Demetrian, the writer of Hacktivity, is teaming up with NerdSpan to give away five digital copies of the first issue of Hacktivity!
If you’re not familiar with the story, it follows a computer hacker sentenced to 30 years in prison for leaking classified FBI secrets about wiretapping and surveillance of the American public. With the details of the trial coming to light, the American public is divided over whether what the hacker did was right or wrong. With things like Wikileaks in the headlines often in the last few years, it’s a story worth exploring and is presented in a way that doesn’t really lean one way or the other, but rather uses the backdrop of this event as a way to tell an interesting story.
If you’d like to be entered to win a digital copy of Hacktivity, it’s really simple: just leave a comment with an instance or occurrence of “hacktivity”, when a hacker exposes information in order to show something they perceive as flawed or wrong. There are lots of example of this, especially in the last few years, so it shouldn’t be hard!
We’re running the contest for a week, so you have until 8 pm CST on Monday 10/6 to enter. Winners will be contacted by email shortly after. Get to commenting!