Imagine a perfect companion. Beautiful, intelligent, and compliant. A companion whose sole purpose in life is to make yours easier.
Sounds too good to be true, right?
For Alex, it is.
When his grandmother sends him a Tanaka X5, Alex is faced with a hard decision. His grandmother means well by sending him a robotic woman, but he alone can choose to keep the new companion. While issue one set up the future that Alex lives in, issue two explores the ethical implications of keeping a robot. There is a sense of shame in having a robot companion, namely that the owner has given up on lifelong companionship with another human. True, Alex does not have a lot going for him, especially in the romantic department. Is the Tanaka X5 the right path for Alex?
The most interesting aspect of Alex + Ada so far is the idea of an “old fashioned love”. At first glance, readers may be appalled at the idea of purchasing a robotic companion based on their own interests and personality. However, when considering the trajectory of love throughout the ages, it makes perfect sense. Love has taken many forms in cultures around the world. Today, we see the popularity of online dating grow, especially among a wide age range of both men and women. Online dating and the idea that the “perfect” mate exists and can be found by completing surveys about yourself have changed the landscape of love. With the technology to develop the perfect lifelong companion, how could humans resist the urge?
Sarah Vaughn and Jonathan Luna have crafted an interesting story with vast possibilities. The clean artwork by Luna conveys the crisp future of Alex + Ada, and the script by Vaughn flows well from scene to scene. Image has been hitting it out of the park with their new series, especially Alex + Ada. Alex + Ada certainly has a promising future in front of it.