Being Human 3.9: Oh Hell (Is Breaking Loose)
Posted By Deborah J. Brannon on March 14, 2013
You know how last week’s episode of Syfy’s Being Human was pre-chalking the body outlines on the floor? Well, “Of Mice and Wolfmen” has supplied the body, along with a Hippie Guru Werewolf, a shocking revelation about werewolf blood, and continuing installments in “Your Life As An Urban Zombie.”
The episode opens with a metric crap-ton of angst, as the vampire death-flu leaves Aidan sporting less-than-charming lesions and Josh, reinfected with lycanthropy, sleeps by his sickbed. We’re also treated to traumatic dream flashbacks of Aidan taking leave of his idyllic family life to fight in a war that he won’t get out of alive or dead. The despair cherry is placed on top of this angst sundae when Sally brings her two roomies breakfast in bed, because they’re all screwed and she’s so ravenous she ate everything in the house. Luckily, Aidan’s no more willing to put up with this melancholic wallowing than we are: he throws himself out of bed and into one more day of being human, with a little help from mortician-dating Sally and her borrowed make-up. (Amazingly, those corpse cosmetics apparently hold up to a ridiculous amount of sweat. I didn’t know they were formulated for that concern.)
Sally proceeds to have an ever-more traumatic morning as Aidan notices the smell of her rotting (status: not cool), her toothbrush goes right through her cheek while brushing (status: SO NOT COOL), and she finds herself eating a live mouse fresh from the mouse trap (status: OMGWTFBBQ). Things are in no way helped when she visits with Zoe, who confesses that all is not well in happily-ever-after saccharine couple land: Nick has begun creeping her out by staring hungrily at her all the time and turning love-bites into events requiring antibiotic ointment and bandages. Before going home to her dying vampire roommate, Sally swings by Nick’s place and confronts him about the whole eating live flesh issue. Far from being concerned about it, Nick is overjoyed that she’s joined the club and earnestly defends Team Justification for them needing the freshest of fresh meat. Never you mind that he’s added Ms. Poochie, the puppy from two doors down, to his growing boneyard. Humans eat other animals, so it’s all good. Sally does not see this as in any way copacetic.
Aidan, meanwhile, stumbles through his day in a death-flu haze. Shockingly, none of the other hospital staff threw him out for being infectious on the floor. He apologizes to Kenny for his impending death and lack of suitability in turning the Bubble Boy, who proceeds to freak out over the loss of his friend and prospects of a life outside his cage. Nora finally corners Aidan and makes him go home because nurses should not shamble around the hospital looking like sacs of infectious disease. Oh, and she makes peace with him, having gotten the 411 from Josh that Aidan took credit for Papa Werewolf’s murdered daughter. (Pro-tip: Loyalty goes a long way with Nora. Even when you’re so far on the outs with her that you’re no longer in the same time zone.) Aidan spends the afternoon dwelling on happier (read: less messed up) times at the Monster House, gets a quasi-date with Kat (whom he perhaps betrays his American Revolutionary-era roots to, thanks delirium!), and then succumbs to the death-flu. Succumbing involves difficulty breathing, thrashing about, a really gross bloody-faced seizure, and then… LIFE! Congratulations, sir, werewolf blood is the cure and your vampire system’s been spiked with it twice! As sudden a twist in the storyline as this seemed to be, it was actually better than, say, Henry showing up with a deus ex machina; werewolf blood as the cure was actually well woven into the storyline. Plus, it’s super-amusing that Papa Werewolf’s vengeful stunt with Erin’s blood actually saved Aidan’s life. (I don’t think Papa Werewolf will share my amusement.)
Time out for an Aidan’s Wife Appreciation Paragraph: holy hell, what a lady! Not only did she not flinch at finding her husband feeding on the blood of their livestock, but she hid Aidan in the barn and took care of him. And when I say took care of him, I mean she showered him with love and affection and HER BLOOD. She worked to find a way to reintegrate him with their son’s life, and also gently refused to let him turn her. She also told him “When love finds you again, and it will, you must promise not to run from it. Why else should one live forever? Except to love, and love again.” Susannah, that’s sweet, but you’re setting the bar awfully damned high in the face of your sheer awesomeness.
Back into the swing of things, Nora actually had a fairly strange day herself when she encountered another werewolf in the woods. (I guess Josh is now on some Storage Unit Renter Blacklist after the debacle of Liam ripping a hole in the door.) This werewolf is the Hippie Guru Model, complete with traveling RV, homemade wine, and meditative practices for bonding with the wolf. He takes Nora up on an offer to come by sometime, and shows up that very night to feed Josh and Nora and provide some timely intervention in the installation of Emo-Josh 2.0. Pete demonstrates that peace can be made with the wolf, and we can only hope that his story allows Josh the emotional space to Alpha up. He’s gonna need the edge to take on Liam, who is definitely coming for all of them.
All’s well that ends well at the Monster House (which is necessarily excluding poor Zoe, who arrived home at her apartment to find herself in the middle of a zombie flick). Sally is making peace with her impending demise and dedicated to avoid the slippery slope of “all flesh must be eaten”, though I suspect that’s because she’s underestimating the devolution aspect. Aidan has stepped up to embracing life, promising to Turn a new son, and kissing his American Revolutionary prof like there’s no tomorrow — so here’s hoping she’s not an actual descendant of his! And Josh was able to look his wolf in the eye and tell him that he’s beautiful. The Monster House has definitely been in worse places.
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