

VIZ Media Named North American Master Merchandiser Licensee for Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure


VIZ Media has been named the North American master merchandise licensee for Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. The anime and manga company will oversee the licensing and development of a wide and …
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Geek Haven: Airships in Atlantis and Puppies in Space
5 years ago

Geek Haven: Airships in Atlantis and Puppies in Space

By  •  Gaming

It’s August in the Geek Haven, and that means yet more ambitious Kickstarter gaming projects vying for your funding dollar. On the menu this month are two-faced playing cards, harmonic …
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Bookworms: Dracula (1897) by Bram Stoker

By  •  Books

Unless your name is Rip Van Winkle or you’ve been sleeping in a coffin the past few years and know nothing of vampires, Dracula will be very familiar to you. There are stakes, holy water, extreme and acute anemia, and perhaps surprising to a few of you: no sparkles.

Bookworms: Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson #3), Patricia Briggs

By  •  Books

It is interesting to note that while the covers of the Mercy Thompson novels are considered provocative, there’s next to zero swearing or sexual situations in the novels. Instead, the power and depth of the novels come from each character’s internal motivation to do as they do.

Bookworms: Blood Bound (Mercy Thompson #2), Patricia Briggs
6 years ago

Bookworms: Blood Bound (Mercy Thompson #2), Patricia Briggs

By  •  Books

Mercy, being on the outside, is the unknown. Beautifully, what makes her a complex creature in this world is that she’s as straightforward as they come; others around her expecting the usual social ploys that Mercy disregards entirely when it suits her or the situation.

Move Review: Kiss Of The Damned (2013)
6 years ago

Move Review: Kiss Of The Damned (2013)

Of late, has there been a more over exposed type of film that the Vampire film? Wouldn’t it be great if someone tried something different? Then Kiss Of The Damned could be for you. It is a very slow burning romance/thriller that has the hallmarks of a Hammer Horror film mixed with an arthouse type feel and has some wonderful visuals.

Bookworms: Moon Called (Mercy Thompson #1), Patricia Briggs

By  •  Books

Mercy Thompson, shifter, friend to a vampire, raised by werewolves, and mentored by a gremlin, isn’t just a character in a book. She’s the unexpected tsunami that drags you under; when you come up gasping for air, you simply reach for the next book.

Supernatural 8.19: Taxi Driver – To Purgatory, Hell and Back


A lot of intensity gets packed into 42 minutes: Kevin Tran being taunted by Crowley. Sam finding *****. Dean re-killing ***** to save his brother. Events are flying into overdrive; you know a season finale is winging its way near. The let down in “Taxi Driver” is how quickly and easily everything is; not emotionally, mind, but in action.

Supernatural 8.18: Third Time’s a Charm, Mr. Rogers


The beauty of “Freaks and Geeks” is it shows a possible younger generation of hunters while exploring what it means to be family. Hunters are naturally alone, yet relying on a wider network of other hunters and information gatherers. What happens if hunters are raised as normal kids while hunting down the monsters?

Being Human 3.11: Eat, Turn, Marry


“If Only I Had a Raw Brain” has us off to see the wizard, if by ‘wizard’ we mean ‘witch who is suddenly way too …
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Being Human 3.10: How To Be A Boss (And Punch Reverends)


“For Those About to Rot” seems to be under the impression that getting its Death Club Card punched early and often will get it a free coffee, but there …
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Being Human 3.9: Oh Hell (Is Breaking Loose)



You know how last week’s episode of Syfy’s Being Human was pre-chalking the body outlines on the floor? Well, “Of Mice and Wolfmen” has supplied the body, along …
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