On the surface, sisters Gina and Tina seem like ordinary girls. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Alongside their father Gregory, the girls spend their evenings hunting witches in the town of Haslow Falls in the new series Where The Witches Lurk.
The girls are successful on their first mission, duping a witch into believing they were simple girl scouts out peddling their cookies. The over-confident girls persuade their dad to let them tangle with another witch in the same night, against his own better judgment. The girls are nearly killed in the battle and their father disappears during the proceedings.
When issue three starts, the girls are en route to answer questions about mysterious dark clouds that appeared over their house. The girls are unable, and unwilling, to divulge the truth, and escape from police custody en route to the station.
They are saved by a mysterious woman named Sarah, who has a past with Gregory. It’s quickly revealed that Sarah is more, much more, than she appears.
Gina appears to be the more powerful of the siblings, as she manifests powers previously unseen by either her or her sister.
Writer Joe Pezzula has penned an intriguing tale of family and darkness, while Donny Gandakusuma’s distinctive artwork marries beautifully with Pezzula’s script.
The witch hunter concept is an interesting one, and the ever-developing stars of the series particularly Gina, are compelling enough to keep readers wanting to come back for more.
A visit to Haslow Falls should be on the to-do list of anyone who enjoys a supernatural story with a mystery thrown in for good measure.
Note: We received an advanced copy of issue three, and would like to thank Joe and Donny for the sneak peak.