The Culling is the first book in the new YA dystopian series, The Torch Keeper; and consequently, is the debut novel from author, Steven dos Santos.

I can’t remember the last book that I’ve read that has left me with so many questions.  Even after three weeks of finishing the book, The Culling had managed to keep my interest going about the world, its history, and its characters.   Since I can be, at times, an impatient person, I reached out to first time YA author Steven dos Santos and asked for an interview.  He agreed.

If you haven’t read my review for the novel, you can read it here.

Adele A. Lugosi: What prompted you to write The Culling?
Steven dos Santos: I’ve always been a fan of sci-fi movies and books, particularly stories that deal with moral dilemmas. Ever since I was a kid I was always terrified by the idea of what would happen if I was in a situation where I could only save one person that I loved. Who would I choose? How would I choose in such an impossible situation? Writing The Culling gave me a chance to explore that no-win scenario and grapple with my own nightmares.

There are a lot of little mysteries in this first book, such as the Ash Wars and the origins of the Recruitment. Was that intentional? Will they be explained in a future novel within the series?  Is there a big reveal planned for the series?
Actually, there were several mysteries seeded into The Culling regarding the Ash Wars and how civilization as we know it came to an end (Hint: It may not be exactly what you’re thinking ;-)), as well as how the Recruitment began. Let’s not forget those creepy Fleshers! It was always intended that these plot points would be explored in future books.

In The Culling, I wanted the focus to be on Lucky, whose life is turned upside down when he’s thrust into this horrible situation with his brother’s life hanging in the balance. Though I won’t spoil it, Book 2 will definitely explore the origins of the apocalypse and how The Establishment came to be. You’ll have to read it to find out!


What is a torch keeper?
The term torch keeper is multilayered. Aside from the obvious symbol, I wanted the reader to come away with the idea that it pertains to someone entrusted with the task of preserving and restoring a set of values, compassion, and humanity, even when faced with utter hopelessness and despair. There’s a little bit of torch keeper inside all of us that needs to be nurtured before it can blaze to its full potential.

What are your goals for the Torch Keeper series?
As any writer will tell you, I’d love for as many readers as possible to connect with my characters and stories. I also wanted to increase the level of visibility of lead LGBTQ characters in Young Adult fiction.The most rewarding thing for an author is to hear that your words evoked a strong emotional and visceral response, whether it be joy, anxiety, sadness, anger, etc.

There are aspects of The Culling (and I’m sure future books in the series) that may prove challenging or disturbing to some readers as these are dark stories. But despite the bleakness, these are ultimately stories of hope, and after the final page in the concluding volume is turned, I hope readers will want to go back and experience the journey again.

What was your inspiration for Lucian and what were your goals for his character?
My inspiration for Lucian was that I wanted to create a character that despite being surrounded by such tyranny and despair is still a dreamer and a romantic at heart, and is very protective towards the people he loves, which in the case of The Culling is his little brother, Cole. I was as close to my own brother as I’d liked to have been, and he passed away unexpectedly, so this strong fraternal relationship might be my way of dealing with that loss in some ways.

I also wanted to create a gay male character which was completely comfortable with his own sexuality, which there aren’t enough of in YA lit, and put him in an emotionally charged situation that many readers could relate to, regardless of their own sexual orientation.

How does sexuality play into your society?
In the society of The Culling, the sexual orientation of an individual is a non-issue. There’s a certain amount of irony in that, even in a culture ruled by the cruel, oppressive tyrannical Establishment, individuals are not shunned for being born gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender, as they are in many cases in current society.

For The Establishment, more diversity in the emotional bonds people form with each other regardless of sexual orientation, gives them more power and control over citizens facing The Culling.

How does your series differ from other dystopian YA novels?
There are a few differences that set my series apart from many of the current YA series out there.

First off, my series features a male protagonist, which is not as common as the overwhelming amount of female protagonists featured in most YA novels.

Secondly, having gay characters in main roles is something readers don’t experience enough of in mainstream YA books and I hope this continues to evolve.

I also feel that this series is darker and grittier than a lot of other dystopian YA novels out there, some of which seem more like romances with a side of dystopian. While there is romance in my series, it certainly does not take a backseat to the dystopian/post-apocalyptic aspects of the story.

What would you like readers to take away from the book?
Aside from hoping to entertain and thrill readers with a story that’s an emotional roller coaster and keeps you on the edge of your seat, I would also like readers to be left with a sense of hope and the feeling that no matter how dark and seemingly impossible things may get, the human spirit is resilient and endures.

What can we expect from future installments?
In future installments, the reader can definitely expect the ante to be raised, with higher stakes and much more tension! Book two gives the reader the opportunity to experience the suspense from a whole different perspective and discover previously unseen facets of Lucky’s terrifying world. There will also be explorations of religion and war.

Trust me. It’s going to be quite the ride, lol!


Steven dos Santos can be reached at:


The Culling can be ordered at:


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