Titan Comics has announced that they have secured the license to make comics based on the upcoming Heroes Reborn TV event. With The Blacklist, Rivers of London, and now Heroes Reborn, Titan is developing a stable of comics based on hot or potentially hot TV properties that will possibly translate to a success in comic publishing on the scale of their Doctor Who comics, or, better yet, on the scale of IDW’s Orphan Black comic.
Official press release:
Titan Comics, in association with Universal Partnerships & Licensing announces the launch of all-new Heroes comics.
London, UK, (June 10, 2015) Titan Comics announced today that the company has been granted rights to publish comics based on NBC’s upcoming event series Heroes Reborn premiering this fall.
The licensing agreement awarded by Universal Partnerships & Licensing begins with a five-story arc featuring the origins of one of the series’ new main characters. The comic series will be written by Heroes Reborn Supervising Producer Seamus Fahey and Zach Craley and illustrated by Rubine.
“Our new Heroes series is being created in close collaboration with the team behind the NBC show.” said Chris Teather, Publishing Director, Titan Comics. “These aren’t just comics; they’re bonus episodes!”
Heroes comic issue #1 will hit comic stores in October 2015.