Mackenzie and Walker | October 31, 2013
Hi Nerdspanners! Robert here. Confession time – and this is an odd one from your comics correspondent. I NEVER read comics growing up. Not one. I was strictly a book guy. I’d loved Batman: the Animated Series and the ’90s X-Men Cartoon (and its cousin ’90s Spider-Man), but comics were outside my oeuvre. It wasn’t [...]
Category: Comics, Interviews | No Comments »
Tags: Clint Eastwood, coffee, comics, Daken, interview, Marjorie Liu, Marvel, myth, Northstar, Romance, Wolverine, X-23, X-Men
Josh Flynn | August 23, 2013
Welcome back to Friday Favorites. It’s back to school time so this week seemed like a good opportunity to look at some of our favorite schools in the world of comics. When we think of comic book high schools many of us automatically think of one place: the X-Men’s Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters. Mara Wood, Nerdspan‘s [...]
Category: Comics, Main Sections | No Comments »
Tags: Archie, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Cable, Hope Summers, Joss Whedon, Jubilee, Kitty Pryde, Morning Glories, Professor X, Riverdale High School, Sunnydale High School, Target X, Wolverine, X-23, X-Men, Xavier Institute
Josh Flynn | July 18, 2013
San Diego Comic-Con is upon us. NerdSpan comic contributors are sharing their favorite comic stories to help celebrate the biggest weekend on the nerd calendar. Comics Section Editor Mara Wood kicks things off. Take a look at her favorites and feel free to share your own lists in the comments. 10. Fairest Vol. 2: The [...]
Category: Comics | No Comments »
Tags: Anita Blake, Batgirl, Bill Willingham, Blankets, Brett Booth, Brian K Vaughan, Brian Q. Miller, Brian-Michael-Bendis, Chris Claremont, Crag Thompson, Dark Phoenix Saga, death, Echo, Fairest, High Cost of Living, John Byrne, Jonathan Green, Laurell K. Hamilton, Lauren Beukes, Mara Wood, Marjorie Liu, Neil Gaiman, San Diego Comic-Con, SDCC, Spider-Woman, Terry Moore, X-23, X-Men, Y: The Last Man
Josh Flynn | March 22, 2013
“Spanning the Universes” spotlights a different comic book character every week and suggests stories featuring those characters for you to seek out and gleefully devour. Want to see your favorite character featured in this column? Make suggestions in the comments and let us know who you’re passionate about! WHO are they? Simply put, X-23 is [...]
Category: Comics | No Comments »
Tags: Christopher Yost, Craig Kyle, Innocence Lost, Marjorie Liu, Target X, Wolverine, X-23, X-Men