Key Issues : Must There Be a Lois Lane?

| November 27, 2013


The title of this article is taken from one of the most cited Bronze Age Superman stories, Elliot S! Maggin’s story, “Must There Be a Superman,” in which Superman ponders whether his existence does more harm than good. Recently DC Comics has been thinking a similar question about whether Lois Lane should be in the [...]

SDCC: NerdSpan’s Favorite Comic Stories Day 2

| July 19, 2013


San Diego Comic-Con is upon us. NerdSpan comic contributors are sharing their favorite comic stories to help celebrate the biggest weekend on the nerd calendar. Ian Menard is here today with his favorites. After you read his list share your own in the comments. 10. SAGA by Brian K. Vaughan I struggled putting SAGA on [...]

SDCC: NerdSpan’s Favorite Comic Stories Day 1

| July 18, 2013

fairest hidden kingom

San Diego Comic-Con is upon us. NerdSpan comic contributors are sharing their favorite comic stories to help celebrate the biggest weekend on the nerd calendar. Comics Section Editor Mara Wood kicks things off. Take a look at her favorites and feel free to share your own lists in the comments. 10. Fairest Vol. 2: The [...]