Comic Review: Strange Nation #1

| October 16, 2013


Cryptids, urban legends, conspiracies and more are brought to light in Strange Nation, MonkeyBrain’s newest book from writer Paul Allor and artist Juan Romera. Following Norma Park as she loses her mainstream journalism career over a crazy conspiracy, it mixes crazy tabloid stories with character drama to make a unique story full of crazy creatures and [...]

Interview: Paul Allor Talks Strange Nation

| October 16, 2013


Today marks the debut of Paul Allor’s newest book, Strange Nation with artist Juan Romera from MonkeyBrain Comics. Paul was kind enough to answer a couple of questions concerning Strange Nation, working with Monkeybrain, and the use of urban legends as story ideas the book goes on sale. Strange Nation #1 is an action-packed 22 pages can be picked up for just [...]

Comic Review: Theremin #3

| October 2, 2013


From Curt Pires and Dalton Rose, and published through MonkeyBrain, comes Theremin. A sci-fi story centering around Leon Theremin, a scientist and inventor who produced the electronic instrument which bears his name. In Theremin, when a certain note is struck on the theremin, time and space are torn asunder, allowing the user to travel freely through them. With this power, Theremin goes [...]

Comic Review: Skybreaker #3

| July 10, 2013


Michael Moreci and Drew Zucker teamed up with Monkeybrain to bring Skybreaker to life. It’s a story not often seen in modern comics, that of a Western revenge tale, with the titular Skybreaker being a man of two worlds, half Native American, half white. After he’s left for dead, he begins his bloody path of [...]

Comic Review: Theremin #2

| July 3, 2013

Theremin #2

From Curt Pires and Dalton Rose comes Theremin. A sci-fi story centering around Leon Theremin, a scientist and inventor who produced the electronic instrument which bears his name. In Theremin, when a certain note is struck on the theremin, time and space are torn asunder, allowing the user to travel freely through them. With this [...]

Interview with Curt Pires, Writer of Theremin

| April 2, 2013


Curt Pires talks about his new comic Theremin, coming from Monkeybrain. It’s full of science, action, adventure, and maybe just a bit of alternate history. Pires’ look at the lost years of famed inventor Leon Theremin is sure to strike the right notes.