Comic Review: Skybreaker #3
Posted By Leo Johnson on July 10, 2013
Michael Moreci and Drew Zucker teamed up with Monkeybrain to bring Skybreaker to life. It’s a story not often seen in modern comics, that of a Western revenge tale, with the titular Skybreaker being a man of two worlds, half Native American, half white. After he’s left for dead, he begins his bloody path of vengeance.

Skybreaker #3
After Barek is discovered by Skybreaker’s tribe, they bring him into the village. There, Skybreaker and Shappa, chief of the group, are discussing Skybreaker’s path, his history, how he received his name, and more of his past. Barek arrives and makes a deal with Skybreaker: Barek helps Skybreaker with is problems, as long as Skybreaker helps Barek with problems of his own. The group sets out to track their problems down with a little help. While these two men meet, their nemeses, Cutter and Taylor, have a meeting of their own.

Skybreaker #3
Michael Moreci has written a few comics, but Skybreaker is one that seems the least likely to go over well in the modern comic market. Westerns are, admittedly, not the most popular genre of comics right now, but that didn’t stop Moreci from writing the story he wanted. Skybreaker feels like a good, classic Western. It has the right mix of revenge-driven anti-heroes, failed romance, nefarious baddies, and some rad gunfights. Skybreaker is a troubled man who has made bad decisions, but that doesn’t stop the reader from ultimately empathizing with him and rooting for him, just like all great Western anti-heroes.

Skybreaker #3
Drew Zucker’s art fits the genre well. As a relative newcomer to comics, he still has a bit of refining to do, but on just this third issue of the series, he shows a great ability to convey motions and action with his art. The way he draws faces can sometimes be a bit over-expressive, but still lends well to the turmoil and violence that the characters are a part of. The black/white art lends well to Zucker’s use of shadows to set the tone of various scenes and lend a certain weight to characters’ appearances.
When so few comics are tackling the Western genre, it’s nice to see it done justice. Moreci’s writing and Zucker’s art come together to tell this blood-filled story of revenge in only the way that a good Western can.
Issues of Skybreaker can be found on ComiXology for just $0.99.
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