If Lost took place inside of a boarding school, then you would basically have Morning Glories. It’s a comic full of mysteries, drama, and fun characters. Writer Nick Spencer and artist Joe Eisma finish the first “season” of their story with this twenty-fifth issue. With a cast of characters ranging from a stereotypical nerd to a bloodthirsty principal, the story never has a dull moment and this issue amps up the insanity of the series by a factor of ten.

Morning Glories #25
A familiar face from the future, a miraculous healing, floating teenagers, betrayals, time travel, death, epiphanies and much more are packed into the 48 page season finale that is this issue. Many things are hinted at and many more things are left unexplained. To say too much would spoil some of the surprise.

Morning Glories #25
Nick Spencer has made Morning Glories both one of the most confusing comics and one of the most entrancing. It’s odd mix of drama, mystery, and scifi has left many a comic fan bewildered and amazed after each issue. This issue in particular sets up many, many new conflicts and plot points, while seemingly wrapping up a couple. If Morning Glories were a television program, this would be the episode getting heavy traffic on newscasts the next day.

Morning Glories #25
The art of Joe Eisma makes the comic, honestly. The style is very cinematic, helping set the comic up almost as a film. Each panel is like a different still from a movie. It’s this feeling that helps to make the story feel heavier. With each new page acting almost as a cutaway in a film, it helps to build the tension and tell the story. Plus, it’s just darn fine looking art.
It’s a crazy issue that ends the first “season”. Any fan of the series absolutely has to read it. Anyone who isn’t a fan is seriously missing out.