IDW Publishing previews this week’s releases, including a first comic book from cyberpunk author William S. Gibson, Archangel #1, as well as Biggest Bang #1, Brutal Nature #1, Judge Dredd #5, Mars Attacks: Occupation #3, Micronauts #2, October Faction #16, Star Trek Manifest Destiny #3, Strawberry Shortcake #2, and Wynonna Earp #4.  Additionally, IDW previews their trade collections, and Mark Russel and Shannon Wheeler’s prose work about the parts left out of the Bible, Apocrypha Now!.

Official previews:

Apocrypha Now!

Mark Russell (w) • Shannon Wheeler (a & c)

Mark Russell & Shannon Wheeler’s faithful-yet-irreverent approach to

the Bible made their book GOD IS DISAPPOINTED IN YOU a modern cult

classic. Now, by popular demand, they turn their attention to the best

parts left out of the canonical Bible, including the Midrash, the

Apocrypha, Gnostic Gospels, and more! And if you thought the BIBLE had

some weird stuff in it…

TP • FC • $19.99 • 208 pages • 5” x 8” • ISBN: 978-1-60309-369-9

Bullet points:

  • “Mr. Russell and Mr. Wheeler have used irreverence to win an audience for what is actually a slyly empathetic retelling of Bible stories.” –The New York Times

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Archangel #1

William Gibson (w) • Butch Guice (a) • Tula Lotay (c)

Science Fiction Superstar William Gibson comes to comics! The U.S. political leaders of 2016 abandon the radioactive planet they’ve destroyed and harness the power of humanity’s last hope: The Splitter, a colossal machine designed to manufacture a bright new reality for them to infiltrate and corrupt.

FC • 40 pages • $4.99

Bullet Points:

  • William Gibson, author of Neuromancer and one of the most influential science fiction writers of the last 30 years, makes his comic book debut with this all-new, original story!
  • Joining Mr. Gibson for this comic book event are fan-favorite artists Butch Guice (interiors) and Tula Lotay (covers)!
  • If you try one new book this month…This. Is. It!

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Biggest Bang #1 (of 4)

D.J. Kirkbride (w) • Vassilis Gogtzilas (a & c)

Born in the cataclysmic cosmic catastrophe known as “The Bigger Bang,” Cosmos traversed the barren egg-lands in-between universes, discovered the wisdom of space whales, defeated intergalactic evil, and found love! Now a new threat presents itself, one the hero has never known… worship! What can he give those who would call him God? Intergalactic action and pataphysical philosophy return in THE BIGGEST BANG, the thrilling sequel to the mini-series Den of Geek called one of “the best comics of 2015”!

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Bullet Points:

  • The most unexpected indie series of 2015, now the most unexpected sequel of 2016!

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Brutal Nature #1 (of 4)

Luciano Saracino (w) • Ariel Olivetti (a & c)

A collection of masks transforms the young man known as Ich into innumerable different beasts and monsters. Using this ancient power, he embarks on a battle that pits the indigenous people of Colombia against the encroaching Spanish empire. But can one man hope to beat back the massive forces of the conquering Spaniards? Luciano Saracino and Ariel Olivetti (Venom: Space Knight) bring readers a stunningly illustrated story of beasts and men fighting for the soul of a nation!

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Bullet Points:

  • A beautifully painted story featuring art by comics superstar Ariel Olivetti!
  • Check out the “character design variant” from creator Ariel Olivetti!

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The Complete Chester Gould’s Dick Tracy, Vol. 20: 1961–1962

Chester Gould (w & a & c)

Dick Tracy embarks on a seven-month-long complicated manhunt when he relentlessly tracks the Brush and a million-dollar sack of cash—but with his foe on the lam without his trademark face wig, Tracy doesn’t even know what the murderer looks like! The strip enters its fourth decade as Chester Gould also presents a poignant story that rivals the “Model” narrative, when Tracy has to protect Junior from disturbing news about an important figure from the boy’s past. Included are all strips from February 20, 1961 through August 26, 1962.

HC • B&W • $39.99 • 280 pages • 11” x 8.5” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-605-8

Bullet points:

  • “One of the best things to happen to the comic market in the last few years was IDW’s decision to publish The Complete Chester Gould’s Dick Tracy.”

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Donald Duck: Timeless Tales, Vol. 1

Romano Scarpa, Al Taliaferro, Daan Jippes (w) • Romano Scarpa, Giorgio Cavazzano, Giovan Battista Carpi, Al Taliaferro, Daan Jippes (a) • Giorgio Cavazzano (c)

Wak! IDW’s first six issues of Donald Duck are gathered in this classy collector’s volume… including great works by Romano Scarpa, Giorgio Cavazzano, Daan Jippes—and the first-ever U.S. publication of “The Diabolical Duck Avenger,” Donald’s classic 1960s debut as a super-anti-hero! With special extras for true Disney Comics aficionados, this Donald compendium provides pages of history and excitement.

HC • FC • $29.99 • 256 pages • 7.25” x 10” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-572-3

Bullet points:

  • “Though the stories may be vintage, the humor still works, the art is solid… Recommended for all comic fans!” –

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Judge Dredd #5

Ulises Fariñas & Erick Freitas (w) • Dan McDaid (a) • Fariñas (c)

Mega-City Zero, Part 5! Dredd and the girls begin a quest in light last issue’s revelation in this chapter, entitled “This User Does Not Exist.”

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Bullet points:

  • Dredd boldly goes where no Judge has gone before!
  • Variant cover by Darick Robertson (Transmetropolitan)!
  • Part of IDW’s “Art Appreciation Month” promotion!

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Mars Attacks: Occupation #3 (of 5)

John Layman (w) • Andy Kuhn (a) • John McCrea (c)

The Martians came. The Martians saw. The Martians conquered. Now the space invaders cruelly rule over humanity, which has no hope for liberation… until Ruby Johnson decided she had enough and started fighting back.

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Bullet Points:

  • Mars Attacks is back, along with that pesky human writer, John Layman, too!
  • Each issue will have a throwback card cover with all-new art by Ryan Brown, highlighting the glory days of the Martian Empire®!
  • Ask your retailer about the glow-in-the-dark variant cover by Shaky Kane!

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Michael Wm. Kaluta: The Complete Sketchbooks HC

Michael Wm. Kaluta (a & c)

Michael Wm. Kaluta has been creating beautiful imagery for more than 40 years. Highlights of his career include what many consider to be the definitive version of The Shadow, the still in-progress Starstruck, and a myriad of stunning covers illustrated for nearly every comics publisher—as well as being part of the legendary art collective known simply as The Studio (along with Jeffery Catherine Jones, Barry Windsor-Smith, and Bernie Wrightson).

This collection presents all five Kaluta sketchbooks published by IDW, featuring art selected by the artist from his personal archives—a cornucopia of delightful delineations and lovely line drawings by a true master of the form.

HC • PC • $49.99 • 256 pages • 9” x 12” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-595-2

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Micronauts #2

Cullen Bunn (w) • David Baldeón (a) • J.H. Williams (c)

JOURNEY THROUGH MICROSPACE! The reign of BARON KARZA stretches through all of known space… but a small band of renegades have other ideas. Action like you’ve never seen before!

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Bullet points:

  • The all-new story of one of the most legendary teams in comics history!
  • From the writer of Uncanny X-Men and the artist of Spider-Man: Web Warriors!
  • Variant covers by Pat Broderick!

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My Little Pony: Adventures in Friendship, Vol. 5

Thom Zahler, Rob Anderson, Jeremy Whitley (w) • Thom Zahler, Amy Mebberson (a) • Sara Richard (c)

This volume of Adventures in Friendship collects two stories featuring Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor. Then Shining Armor has an adventure with Prince Blueblood!

HC • FC • $12.99 • 76 pages • 6” x 9” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-610-2

Bullet points:

  • Great All-Ages Fun!

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October Faction #16

Steve Niles (w) • Damien Worm (a & c)

Gristlewood is under siege, and the lives of the townspeople are at stake. Geoff, Vivian, and the entire Allan clan must do everything they can to stop the bloodsucker threat. While Geoff and Phil are reunited, Dante discovers the secret to Lucas’ disappearance.

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

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Star Trek: New Adventures, Vol. 3

Mike Johnson (w) • Erfan Fajar, Yasmin Liang, Joe Corroney (a) • John Watson (c)

After the events of Star Trek Into Darkness, the U.S.S. Enterprise embarks on a new five-year mission of exploration. Collects the stories “The Khitomer Conflict,” “Parallel Lives,” “I, Enterprise,” and “Lost Apollo” from issues #25–34 of the ongoing Star Trek series.

TPB • FC • $29.99 • 228 pages • ISBN: 978-1-63140-611-9

Bullet points:

  • “This comic series is nothing short of perfection when it comes to giving you more information to a story that you don’t get to see on the big screen.” – Slug Magazine

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Star Trek: Manifest Destiny #3

Mike Johnson & Ryan Parrott (w) • Angel Hernandez (a & c)

The 50th Anniversary Celebration of the STAR TREK franchise continues in this special event mini-series! It’s Kirk and the crew vs. the Klingons in a battle unlike any you’ve seen before: aboard the Enterprise itself!

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Bullet points:

  • The return of the Klingons as a major foe in the Trek universe!
  • Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Star Trek and the upcoming blockbuster film with a stunning miniseries, from the talent that brought you Star Trek/Green Lantern and Star Trek: Starfleet Academy!
  • Variant cover by Stephen Mooney!

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Strawberry Shortcake #2

Georgia Ball (w) • Amy Mebberson (a & c)

Bake off! Strawberry made it through the regional cooking competition and is on her way to Big Apple City, but her struggle to win the prize is just getting started. Ruthless competitor, Steve Piemanne, has more tricks up his rolled-up sleeves planned to put the Purple Pie Shop on top.

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

Bullet points:

  • Strawberry Shortcake is back!!
  • The first five issues will each have a connected “quintype” subscription variant forming one big image, AND a special, scented variant cover!
  • Classic variant cover by Nico Peña!

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Wally Wood Galaxy

Roger Hill (w) • Wally Wood (a & c)

Wally Wood’s career is legendary among the annals of comic’s history. He rocketed to fame working on Will Eisner’s The Spirit newspaper strip and became one of the most talented artists working for EC Comics during the 1950s. Wood also became a star of EC’s satire comic called Mad, which went on to even greater success as a magazine, allowing the artist to apply his amazing talents in a broader spectrum. When the comics industry fell on lean times during the mid 1950s, Wood segued into the field of science fiction pulp illustration, providing over 200 beautiful drawings and several color cover paintings for the digest magazines; particularly Galaxy. Wood left behind a legacy of great art, much of which has never been reprinted. This book will feature them all. Long time Wally Wood historian Roger Hill has spent the past twenty years pulling together the history of Wood’s involvement with the pulp digests and tracking down original art for this project. Over half of the images have been pulled from the originals or from Wood’s personal file copies, allowing Wood fans the finest possible reproduction!

HC B&W $29.99 160 8.5” x 11” • ISBN 978-1-61377-183-9

Bullet points:

  • One of the founding artists for Mad Magazine, Wally Wood is one of the most celebrated cartoonists of all time!

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Wynonna Earp #4

Beau Smith (w) • Lora Innes (a & c)

An Ex-Black Badge Division scientist has gone rogue… and only Wynonna Earp can bring the mad scientist to justice before he turns a small town into his own personal zombie nightmare!

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

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