Trevor K. Trevinski is the biggest slacker there is. He also happens to have a super powerful alien weapon on his hand. Along with his roommate Lance, Pizza Guy, and Hot Drunk English Chick, Trev deals with being a hero, often not very well. Writer Brian Winkeler and artist Robert Wilson IV team up to bring one of the funniest books from MonkeyBrain.

Knuckleheads #4
After taking down the giant monster that was terrorizing the town, Trev, Lance, Pizza Guy, and the Hot Drunk English Chick celebrate with pancakes and maybe just a bit more drinking. Lance and Pizza Guy find out Hot Drunk English Chick’s real name, while Trev finds out that maybe he should’ve listened a bit better when he was told just how the Crystal Fist works.

Knuckleheads #4
Brian Winkeler writes a bit that’s equal parts action and comedy. Trevor Trevinski’s situation is ripe for comedy, and having a character known simply as “Pizza Guy” for over three issues is fantastic. There are many, many jokes in the conversations, many of them quite clever. The story behind Pizza Guy’s real name is a wonderful example of the sort of small, involved jokes that make Knuckleheads a light-hearted sort of superhero book that is a joy to read.

Knuckleheads #4
Robert Wilson IV’s art is arguably what sells the comedy aspect of the book, though. The facial expressions and little quirks that he’s able to give the characters completely help sell all the little comedic moments. And I’ve never seen anyone draw a pink bathrobe quite so gloriously on an overweight white guy.
For just 99¢, Knuckleheads is a complete steal. Full of jokes, hilarious characters, and a bit of action, it’s enough for any comic fan. It’s well worth a buy on Comixology.