Loot Anime’s Unnatural crate is possessed by heroes who are themselves distorted by their supernatural, psychic, or alien gifts, highlighting the anime and manga franchises Mob Psycho 100, Parasyte, Noragami, and Death Note. This is not only my favorite Loot Anime of 2017, this is my favorite Loot Crate this year as well, as it has two outstanding items from two of my favorite anime/manga properties.
My favorite anime of 2016 was Mob Psycho 100, and since I scoured Tekko 2017 for a single Mob Psycho 100 shirt to no avail, I was ecstatic to see that this month’s tee is this exclusive Mob Pyscho 100 T-shirt made by Bioworld. The solid black cotton tee is stretchy, snug, and best of all, it depicts Mob’s eyes reduced to glowing white spots to show that his consciousness has been obliterated by near-omnipotent 1000% psychic power. It’s a great eye-catching design that ranks up there with the best Loot Anime shirts, like the Gate shirt, the Ghost in the Shell shirt, and the No Game, No Life shirt.
While I was 1000% pleased to see the Mob Psycho 100 tee, my other favorite Unnatural item was the exclusive glow-in-the-dark Death Note mug made by Just Funky. Not only am I happy to put Ryuk the Shinigami on my mug shelf, but I’m also having fun thinking of what drinks would be best served in a dark room. Would it be too cross-genre to serve a butterbeer in here? Surely Ryuk knows some Dementors…
I missed Parasyte when Tokyopop published it, so I was excited to see the Kodansha Comics edition of Parasyte Volume 1. Not only is this the thickest manga collection to be included in a Loot Anime, this variant edition also contains an exclusive bonus manga that is new to English-language readers, so if you want the complete Parasyte in English, you somehow have to get your hands on this volume. If you missed the Unnatural crate, you might see it pop up in Loot Vault. I’m excited to read this one, as I like the Blue Beetle-like premise of a boy and his symbiote, with the added influence of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Fans of Noragami will be thrilled to see this exclusive snapback, which is modeled after Rabo’s hat. This high quality ballcap is embroidered on the front with a patch of Rabo’s symbol, and on the back with the series logo.
While many of the Loot Animes have charms and posters with similar designs, Unnatural’s phone charm, with art by Varinya Nunez, shows Yume with a vampiric pallor, while the poster art depicts a scythe-armed and fanged Yume doing some ghostbusting. Like me, Yume is really getting into this Unnatural theme, so much so that she had two wardrobe changes in this box. The box interior itself shows a host of chibi ghosts escaping from the netherworld.
While the otherworldly heroes of Unnatural have moved beyond the veil, until June 27th, you can order the high tech and mech robot heroes of the Rise Up crate, which contains the franchises Gurren Lagann, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Knights of Sidonia, Blame!, and Voltron: Legendary Defender.
#RISEUP with #GurrenLagann, #NGE, #KnightsofSidonia, #BLAME, & #VoltronLegendaryDefender! Sign up by 6/27! https://t.co/ObPaH9AK5p pic.twitter.com/PpbzDcfxia
— Loot Anime (@lootanime) May 30, 2017
Loot Crate sent the review copy.