Wiseguy Made Productions Announces New Kickstarter
Posted By R. C. Schmidt on June 27, 2013
New York-based Wiseguy Made Comics announced on June 24th their new Kickstarter initiative for the comic book, “Cain The Conqueror”. The company is looking to crowdsource funding in order to assist with inking, coloring and printing of the book. Wiseguy Made estimates that after funding is raised, it would be roughly two months to complete the work and we could expect the book online and on shelves in your local LCS shortly thereafter.
As mentioned above, the popular site www.kickstarter.com is hosting the fundraising drive beginning on July 1st, 2013 and running through July 31st. Wiseguy Made Comics’ plan after funding is for “Cain The Conqueror” to be an ongoing series, with storyarcs lasting every six issues.
The premise of “Cain The Conqueror” is that of a man who is heir to the throne of clan of assassins. Cain returns home to see his father murdered, his mother paralyzed and his sister abducted. Betrayed by his partner Karson, Cain must use every one of his powers if he hopes to find those responsible for his family’s demise, all while protecting his city and foiling Karson’s plans. Wiseguy Made tells NerdSpan that Cain will be “the springboard for the other heroes in a larger, diverse, connected world full of conspiracies, sci-fi action, otherworldly dimensions and characters to fall in love with, hate and fear.”
NerdSpan readers can find out more on facebook and by entering Cain The Conqueror in Kickstarter’s search bar beginning July 1st.
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