Not a Real Article

Posted By on September 22, 2012

Not a real article of any kind – just need something for categories that are empty so far. Not a real article of any kind – just need something for categories that are empty so far. Not a real article of any kind – just need something for categories that are empty so far. Not a real article of any kind – just need something for categories that are empty so far.

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One Response to “Not a Real Article”

  1. Royal Lance Eustache Lance Eustache says:

    Let me guess. This is not a real article, is it?

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About the Author

Action Flick Chick
Action Flick Chick Katrina Hill, author of the book ACTION MOVIE FREAK, learned to appreciate all things action at a young age by sneaking into the room while her two older brothers watched action movies and horror. At, she shares her love of these films with everyone, along with interviews, views, news, and whatever else she happens to choose. Over 150,000 follow her as @ActionChick on Twitter. G4TV crowned her their official Next Woman of the Web champion. She writes for Fanhattan, Arcade Sushi, and MTV Geek. She and her avatar star in "The Action Chick" webcomic. Katrina created and stars in the "Geeks and Gamers Anonymous" webseries. Base of operations: Dallas, Texas. Favorite Movie: Tremors (1990).