The GOLIATH is the gigantic robot now guarding Derleth State Penitentiary. Derleth used to be awful; some would have called it hell on earth. The convicts were dangerous, with factions constantly at war with one another, and the guards couldn’t step in for fear of their lives and the lives of their families.


The GOLIATH has changed all of that. The threat of a robot with the programs necessary to hunt and the weapons built to decimate human life has kept the prisoners in line.

Reporter Jena Ortiz goes in with the hopes of getting the scoop on how the warden managed to tame Derleth State. What she doesn’t count on is the GOLIATH going berserk. Now she may never get out.

No one is safe. The gangs must unite under the leadership of a man doing time for a non-violent offense. They must work together to take down a walking tank with nothing more than six shivs, a flashlight, and an uneasy alliance.

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