
Mystery bags and loot boxes are all the rage these days, and a Canadian company has joined in on the fun.

Four Colour Grails, based in the suburbs of Toronto, was born out of the love of comic books according to Alexandra Kubrak, Chief Media Officer.

“George (Louro, FCG’s president) has been working in convention retail for years, and had that ground floor knowledge of knowing what works in fandom and what doesn’t,” Kubrak said. “When crate companies started to get popular with other nerd items, comic books seemed to be the natural outcome.

“Every collector has a pull list, and always searches for great variants – so why not have a company that sends them exclusives, plus anticipated titles? It just made sense,” she added.

All variants purchased through Four Colour Grails are exclusives to FCG. Each month, customers will receive four variant covers, each in a bookshelf presentation box. A monthly order is $29.99, or $26.99 a month if you subscribe for three months.

“It’s important that every comic we offer has a real value to it,” she said. “The titles chosen and artists we use are carefully combined. We want to offer subscribers something different, and we have done that by experimenting with some great well known artists on the titles we have.”

One of the titles included in the initial wave of releases is a J. Scott Campbell black and white variant for Star Wars #1, a book that has sold close to one million units.

In addition to the Campbell variant, FCG is offering a Mahmud Asrar variant for Secret Identities #1 and Joe Benitez has drawn a special cover for Lady Mechanika #4, which marks his return to the series after a hiatus.

Marvel, Image, IDW, Valiant and Titan are all on board, and Kubrak said that “there’s something in the works” with DC to get them involved.

Kubrak said that comics legend Stan Lee will be featured in an upcoming issue, which everyone at FCG is excited about.

In addition to working with Stan the Man, Kubrak is stoked about one upcoming grail in particular.

“I’m personally excited for the Spider Gwen issue that will be coming out through FCG,” she said. “I’ve seen some of the sketches and it’s wonderful. I’ve read some of the storyline and it’s one that I am super stoked is coming out, not only for a new generation of Spider-Man fans, but because it’s nice to see a new take on Gwen Stacy, one that’s more prominent and focuses on her ability to be a hero.”

To learn more or to subscribe to the service, visit www.fourcolourgrails.com.