

Krypton Review: The Phantom Zone S01E10
2 weeks ago

Krypton Review: The Phantom Zone S01E10

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KRYPTON -- "The Phantom Zone"

Somehow, we’re already at the finale of the first season on Krypton, with episode 10: The Phantom Zone.  (BEWARE! This review contains SPOILERS!)

Krypton Review: Hope S01E09
3 weeks ago

Krypton Review: Hope S01E09

By  •  TV
KRYPTON -- "Hope" Episode 109

The resistance lurches on, attempting to regain control on Krypton, with episode 9: Hope.  (BEWARE! This review contains SPOILERS!)

Krypton Review: Savage Night S01E08
1 month ago

Krypton Review: Savage Night S01E08

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KRYPTON -- "Savage Night" Episode 108

The fightback continues on Krypton, with episode 8: Savage Night.  (BEWARE! This review contains SPOILERS!)

Krypton Review: Transformation S01E07
1 month ago

Krypton Review: Transformation S01E07

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KRYPTON -- "Transformation" Episode 107

Things aren’t going to plan for the conspirators, and there’s a twist in this week’s Krypton, with episode 7: Transformation.  (BEWARE! This review contains SPOILERS!)

Krypton Review: Civil Wars S01E06
1 month ago

Krypton Review: Civil Wars S01E06

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KRYPTON -- "Civil Wars" Episode 106

With co-conspirators in place, the Vex plan is about to be launched in Krypton episode 6: Civil Wars.  (BEWARE! This review contains SPOILERS!)

Krypton Review: House of Zod S01E05
2 months ago

Krypton Review: House of Zod S01E05

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KRYPTON -- "House of Zod" Episode 105

Krypton continues to lay out its foundations this week, with episode 5: House of Zod, giving us some backstory to the second most well-known Kryptonian family. (BEWARE! This review contains SPOILERS!)

Krypton Review: The Word of Rao S01E04
2 months ago

Krypton Review: The Word of Rao S01E04

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KRYPTON -- "The Word of Rao Episode 104

Krypton returns this week, with episode 4: The Word of Rao, and a decent amount of key plot elements that will become critical as the series progresses. (BEWARE! This review contains SPOILERS!)

Krypton Review: The Rankless Intiative S01E03
2 months ago

Krypton Review: The Rankless Intiative S01E03

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KRYPTON -- "The Rankless Initiative" Episode 103

Focused more on action, and less on the politics, Krypton tries its hand at a touch of social commentary this week, in episode 3: The Rankless Initiative. (BEWARE! SPOILERS!)

Krypton Review: House of El S01E02
2 months ago

Krypton Review: House of El S01E02

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KRYPTON -- "House of El" Episode 102

With most of the difficult world-establishing work of a pilot out of the way, Krypton can now start to stretch its legs, in episode 2: House of El. (BEWARE! SPOILERS!)

Krypton Review: Pilot S01E01
3 months ago

Krypton Review: Pilot S01E01

By  •  TV
KRYPTON -- "Pilot" Episode 101

Away from the DC universe currently being explored by The CW, there is now a new story being told by SYFY, in Krypton. (BEWARE! SPOILERS!)

Justice League: The Art of the Film (2017) Abbie Bernstein
4 months ago

Justice League: The Art of the Film (2017) Abbie Bernstein

Art of JL

“People said the Age of Heroes would never come again.” – Diana

I haven’t yet seen Justice League. For me, the world of the DC Comics in film has become …
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Movie Review: Justice League
7 months ago

Movie Review: Justice League

Has there been a more talked about superhero film than Justice League? It certainly seems like every week, even from as far back as two years ago that there was a story …
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