BOOM! Studios previews John Flood #1, and new installments of Regular Show, Big Trouble in Little China, UFOlogy, The Woods, The Spire, Cluster, and Broken World.

Official previews:

John Flood #1 (of 6)

New Series!

Writer: Justin Jordan
Artist: Jorge Coelho

Preview Pack: Covers + First 5 pages

What’s to Love: Justin Jordan exploded onto the comics scene just four short years ago with The Strange Talent of Luther Strode and caught everyone by surprise. Now he brings us John Flood, a series that combines the metaphysical with the procedural in a way we think is really fresh. Joining him is Jorge Coelho, whose fantastic work on Polarity and Sleepy Hollow made him a BOOM! favorite. Perfect for fans of Desolation Jones and Sherlock Holmes.

What It Is: As the result of a government experiment, John Flood no longer needs to sleep, but now he’s in a constant dream state and sometimes can’t tell what’s real and what isn’t. A side effect is that he sees patterns and makes connections no one else can, which serve him well in his new “career” as a makeshift PI. Together with a burly ex-cop, Flood begins to investigate when he “sees” one man responsible for thousands of unsolved murders, but now he himself has caught the killer’s attention…

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The Spire #2 (of 8 )

Writer: Simon Spurrier
Artist: Jeff Stokely

The mysterious killer hunting the citizens of the Spire strikes again, and Shå will be the one to blame if she can’t track them down!

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Broken World #3 (of 4)

Writer: Frank J. Barbiere
Artist: Christopher Peterson

Elena and ex-security member Grif make a desperate bid to reach the rocket outpost in a final attempt to escape Earth.

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UFOlogy #4 (of 6)

Writers: James Tynion IV & Noah J. Yuenkel
Artist: Matthew Fox

As Malcolm recalls a fond memory of his long-gone mother, he and Becky bond and finally team up to investigate the alien technology he found the night before. But someone is wise to their activities and looks to remove them from the equation.

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Cluster #6

Writer: Ed Brisson
Artist: Damian Couceiro

Samara and the other rebels attempt to take over the prison, but they have a new bounty hunter on their trail who’s being paid to find Samara at any cost.

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Big Trouble in Little China #14

Writer: Fred Van Lente
Artist: Joe Eisma

Something weird is going on—Jack is finding his world and his friends have really changed! In Fred Van Lente (Archer & Armstrong) and Joe Eisma’s (Morning Glories) love letter to the ‘80s, Jack’s on a mission that will have him face some of the strangest villains yet.

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The Woods #15

Writer: James Tynion IV
Artist: Michael Dialynas

Sander and Calder try to rally their friends and warn them of the coming Horde, while Karen does her best to break free and make it back to the school before it’s too late.

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Regular Show #26

Imprint: KaBOOM!

Writer: Mad Rupert
Artist: Wook Jin Clark

New story arc! Muscle Man and Starla write the ultimate supernatural romance epic, and no one’s a bigger fan than Mordecai and Rigby.

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Regular Show Vol. 2: Noir Means Noir, Buddy OGN

Imprint: KaBOOM!

Writers: Rachel Connor and Robert Luckett
Artist: Wook Jin Clark

What’s to Love: We love crafting original graphic novels for series like Regular Show because the long-form story reads like an extended episode of the show!
What It Is: Oh, heavens! A cold front is moving in, mysterious earthquakes shake the Park, and worst of all, someone has stolen Pops’s socks! Springing into action, Mordecai and Rigby look to the best role models they have—movies, duh—to crack the case. With the combined powers of noir and ’90s action flicks behind them, these two sleuths should be unstoppable…but this time, they may be up against a bigger foe than they can match. Follow the slime!

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