Bonus23Welcome once again to yet another edition of Bonus Stage! Bonus Stage is your regular dose of gaming goodness, where we bring you the finest game inspired art, videos , cosplay, music and more!  If you’ve created or found something you’d like to see featured in Bonus Stage drop me a line via twitter: @misterchristor, or drop a comment down below and maybe it will feature in a future installment. In Bonus Stage this time:


This funny comic from Nerd Rage perfectly captures the reaction from certain gamers to Nintendo’s 2DS:


This Portal 2 GLaDOS cosplay has to be the most elaborate we’ve ever seen [laughing squid]



I hope you’re not sick of covers of Daft Punk’s ace Get Lucky yet, because here’s one like you’ve never seen before- Get Lucky in Mario Paint!

Legend of Zelda spirit stones.


While we (im)patiently await the arrival of the new Mirror’s Edge this beautiful video brings it to life. Perfectly capturing the game’s first-person parkour in live-action, this video is well worth a watch.

This awesome cute take on Final Fantasy is available on a T-shirt.


When I woke up this morning I would never have imagined that I’d be writing the word’s “Live-action Rayman Legends Fan Film”, but… I just did. Because that’s exactly what this is. Returning Bonus Stage champions Corridor Digital put together this tribute to Ubisoft’s platforming star that is both fun and kind of freaky.

Princess Peach: Pin-up style from la Esmerelda


Sing along with the song of Skyrim! (Or don’t, it’s all good)

Check out this fun League Of Legends Miss Fortune cosplay.


An excellent version of Portal’s Still Alive from The Video Games Music Choir!

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