

Make America Groovy Again – Vote Ash Williams for President
2 years ago

Make America Groovy Again – Vote Ash Williams for President

Ash Williams for President

Exhausted by this divisive political season? Dissatisfied with the limited choices for President – because this is America and we’re accustomed to choices galore? Ready for a president who can …
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October Fright Fest: Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness
5 years ago

October Fright Fest: Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness

By  •  Movies

Halloween may be one day, but I celebrate the entire month of October by watching as many horror movies as possible. Forsaking other genres for spooky, scary thrills, and filling the month with films I haven’t seen or haven’t seen in a while. So, let’s grab some popcorn, turn off the lights, and get our fright on with Evil Dead II (1987) and Army of Darkness (1992)!
