When Nick Pitarra fell behind schedule, Jonathan Hickman looked for a way to catch up. That way was Ryan Browne. Issue ten of The Manhattan Projects features a Browne-drawn story that is set apart from the main story of the last nine issues. Even so, it’s one that shouldn’t be missed and delves even deeper into the fractured mind of Joseph Oppenheimer.

The Manhattan Projects #10
Any regular reader of the series know that Robert Oppenheimer was murdered and cannibalized by his brother Joseph. This issue is about what happened after. Robert, or what’s left of his mind and/or soul, wakes up inside of Joseph’s mind. He must deal with various aspects of Joseph’s fractured psyche as he fights his way to the source of all the insanity. In the end, Robert converts one of Joseph’s personalities to his cause, beginning the Oppenheimer Civil War.

The Manhattan Projects #10
Jonathan Hickman takes a moment away from the insanity and violence of the main storyline to delve into the insanity and violence of Joseph and Robert Oppenheimer. It’s an interesting move to bring Robert Oppenheimer after he died in the first issue, but with the shattered psyche of Joseph, it makes sense. The overall impact of this issue remains to be seen, but it would presumably lead to an ongoing war inside Joseph’s mind, possibly leading to something very big.

The Manhattan Projects #10
Ryan Browne takes up some of Pitarra’s slack, but he’s much more than just a “substitute”. Browne’s style has much of the same frantic energy and unique style as Pitarra, but his style works in ways that Pitarra’s doesn’t. It looks a bit better suited for action and the punches, both those leveled against Oppenheimers and horses, look great on the page. It’s no wonder that Browne will be doing fill-in issues more often down the line and taking over on Bedlam.
This tenth issue takes the reader in unexpected directions and reveals very interesting things to the reader. The dynamic between the Robert and the various aspects of Joseph are sure to mean interesting things. Where this issue leads for the overall story remains to be seen, but it’s sure to be completely on par with the level set by past issues.