Loot Crate’s July 2016 subscription box has arrived in orbit, and unlike last month, which promised near future Dystopia, Loot Crate beamed down some far-flung Futuristic goodies. Subscribers were teased with the promise of some highly popular IPs being included in the box, not only Star Trek: The Next Generation and Mega Man, but also Rick and Morty, Futurama, and a comic from Valiant Entertainment. We’re going to unload this dropship now, so if you haven’t received your Futuristic crate yet, take note that spoilers are ahead.


And if you didn’t want to see spoilers, you’re kind of a Jerry for clicking on a title that clearly had spolers marked. Which means the best item in the crate is much too cool for you: the Exclusive Rick and Morty Tee from Loot Crate Labs. This blue heather, cotton/poly blend, t-shirt features the schematic of Rick’s portal gun.  Unlike a lot of other science fiction shows, in Rick and Morty there are only a few pieces of tech that are as iconic as the bizarre cast of characters, and the portal gun is the pièce de résistance.  The Meseeks Box only figures in one episode, and the portal gun is much more significant than Rick’s spaceship in terms of how much each respectively contributes to the stories.  It’s the quintessential inanimate object in the show, analogous to the Doctor’s sonic screwdriver, or Luke Skywalker’s light saber, and it is an extremely cool thing to have anatomized on your chest.


Rick and Morty fans should take note that in the Loot Crate Magazine, there’s not only an article, “8 Favorite Rick and Morty Worlds & Realities,” there’s also—wubba lubba dub dub!—a coloring page!


And if you missed out on this crate though you feel yourself to be a true Morty at heart, Loot Crate has a digital version of the magazine at magazine.lootcrate.com. To avoid spoilers, Loot Crate hasn’t posted the July issue yet, but once it does, print away. Just which of the 64 Crayolas do you use to color Rick’s spittle, I wonder? (I’m asking for a friend…)

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Futurama fans will love the Exclusive Futurama “Planet Express” Ship Model from Quantum Mechanix, the company behind this year’s Loot Crate Hulk and Deadpool Q-Figs. This is my favorite Loot Crate inclusion from Quantum Mechanix to date, as the ship is finely detailed and superbly painted with just the right shade of green—a lovely but obscure shade of cyanic green that only a cosmetician or a D&D miniature painter might know by its exact name, and fans of the show know as “electric mucus.” The display base also shows some care and attention, with the Planet Express branding and slogan printed there. And, on top of that, you’ll be torturing yourself on whether it will display better in or out of the box, as the packaging is a work of beauty itself, with the Futurama title and character art framing photos of the model.

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Trekkies will appreciate the Exclusive Star Trek Dedication Plaque Replica Decal. This is a reusable decal that you can use to christen your car, laptop, Xbox, bedroom, bathroom—or, well, anywhere you can place a 4.5″x3″ decal—the Starship Enterprise.


Additionally, this month’s Loot Pin displays the Vulcan gesture for “Live Long and Prosper,” and it carries with it an exclusive DLC pack for Star Trek: Online that includes all kinds of in-game swag valued at $50.  I’m a fan of the new cloisonne pin styled Loot Pins, and this is my second favorite this year, after the d20 Shield pin.  To be objective, the imaging and colors on the Alien vs. Predator pin was better, but I’m a sucker for content, and as I’ve watched all 726 episodes of Trek, this “Live Long and Prosper” pin is incredibly meaningful to me. 


What would a Futuristic theme be without a robot? And so Loot Crate included the Exclusive 3″ Mega Man Red Variant Figure from Kidrobot.  My daughter has played hours upon hours of Mega Man games and will get a kick out of this.


Lastly, comic book enthusiasts will appreciate this 4001 A.D. #1 variant. 2016 Loot Crates have been good this year to collectors of comic books and their character art, with not only the Harley Quinn Loot Crate comic book but also the Batman v Superman Mighty Wallet, the Daredevil/Punisher toboggan hat, and the aforementioned Hulk and Deadpool Q-Figs. This time, Loot Crate partnered with Valiant, a smaller press comic book publisher that is getting huge press due to winning awards and making newsworthy comic books. Valiant comics are good reading, so if you’re not a comic book enthusiast, but are on the lookout for something interesting for your reading queue, this will be a good selection.

Next month’s theme hasn’t been revealed, but one wonders if Loot Crate is going for a trilogy of science fiction themed Summer boxes. With the progression from near future to far future, I’m hoping for a time travel theme in August, featuring Doctor Who, Back to the Future, The Time Machine, and Quantum Leap.  You can subscribe to Loot Crate through this embedded hyperlink.

(Editor’s note:  Loot Crate provided the review copy.)