Geek Start A Go Go- Back in Time
Posted By Bill Ostroff on July 2, 2013
From the filmmakers: “That’s right. This documentary is such a big deal to the Back to the Future community that over two years in advance of the ‘We’re Going Back’ celebration, its already booked to premier. You can be a part of that. Heavy, huh?
“We, and many others across the world, think that Back to the Future has been one of the most culturally influential films in movie history. By backing this project you’re sending a message: Back to the Future is an important piece of Hollywood history and Americana, and should be given the attention it deserves. You’re telling us—and hopefully all your friends—that this movie franchise is deserving of a closer look at all it has meant to millions of movie fans worldwide, and what that translates to in terms of greater cultural impact.”
“If “1.21 gigawatts,” “88 miles per hour,” “flux capacitor,” and other such phrases from the movies have come out of your mouth, or landed on your ears, you’ve felt the impact of this series; films which surely number among the quintessential pieces of cinematography from the latter half of the 1980′s. The importance of this documentary film can’t go understated as we ask YOU to help us finish the project the way we’ve envisioned it.
“But don’t worry. It may be your density…err, destiny…to back this project and make Back in Time a reality, but if you close the Kickstarter project without backing nothing bad will happen. We promise. Still, if you’re awakened by Darth Vader from the planet Vulcan threatening to melt your brain if you don’t pledge, we hear that logging in to back us will probably get rid of him.
“Ditching the scary alien nocturnal visitation isn’t the only benefit you can get from backing the film though. We have a load of great perks for our backers. Like these swell Gildan soft-style tees in your choice of Sport Grey or Kickstarter Green. Exclusive to backers of this campaign, the iconic imagery leaves no doubt about how you feel about Back to the Future.”
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