The trailer for Doctor Strange has been released and… It. Looks. Amazing.

Check it out:

Obviously, many people will site that it has some Inception-esque moments (although, some will say that Dark City did it first). Anyway, I enjoyed this trailer for the sheer fact that it makes me want to see this movie without giving anything away about the film’s plot other than the fact that it’s an origin story. Now, I’m not a Doctor Strange fan (not by a long shot), however, I am most definitely interested in seeing this film after watching this trailer. Not gonna lie, after I saw those pictures of Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange, my hope for a live-action Venture Bros. film increased due to the great work by the Costume Designer (*cough*Dr. Orpheus*cough*). Plus, Patrick Warburton in a Mullet. Anyway, what are your thoughts on Doctor Strange and the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s step into the realm of “Magic”?

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