As the first season begins to draw to a close, writers Michael Moreci and Steve Seeley welcome artist Tristan “T-Rex” Jones to the book as the new artist. Following a Ghost Hunters or Myth Busters style television show, Hoax Hunters is about Jack, Ken, and Regan, reality television show hosts that seemingly debunk various hoaxes and mysteries, when in reality they’re the ones making sure they stay covered up.

Hoax Hunters #11
As Regan and Donovan search for the Book of All Futures, various insights from Donovan’s past come to light and some history of the Book of All Futures is revealed. Meanwhile, Jack and Ken must deal with the increased cryptid activity as some thunderbirds are causing havoc in Indiana. In the end, Jack meets a person from his past who has a few things to tell him.

Hoax Hunters #11
Michael Moreci and Steve Seeley continue to write one of the most consistent comics on the shelves each month. The idea seems odd at first, but Moreci and Seeley have made into something truly engaging and worth reading. This arc has a bit more serious feel than past arcs, with more terror and emotion flying around in the first two issues of this arc. The slow, deliberate reveal of both Regan and Donovan’s past really helps to build more of the world of Hoax Hunters and the characters within it.

Hoax Hunters #11
Tristan “T-Rex” Jones continues to work wonders with his second issue of Hoax Hunters. The story so far has much darker moments, and Jones’ art is a great fit for it. The dark, emotive style goes well with the appearances of demons and grotesque cryptids. The suspense built by the art lends well to the direction the story is taking and makes each issue even better.
This is consistently a great book. Hoax Hunters is always worth the cover price and never disappoints. The addition of Jones as artist takes the book in a new direction, but one that’s just as good as before.