Comic Review: Drumhellar #1

Posted By on November 6, 2013

Teaming up again after their well-received miniseries Rebel Blood, Riley Rossmo and Alex Link return to Image/Shadowline with Drumhellar, a story of a psychedelic detective who must go to a South Dakota town that’s full of werewolves, bogmen, and an ex-girlfriend.

Drumhellar #1

Drumhellar #1

After being struck by lightning and seemingly peering into another dimension, Drum Hellar must head to a small town in search of an ex-girlfriend who might have some answers. Along the way, he talks about werewolf exes, bogmen, spirit assistant, and is constantly looking for hallucinogens.

Drumhellar #1

Drumhellar #1

According to the credits, Rossmo came up with the story, while Link scripted it. Where the collaboration meets and what is an individual contribution would be tough to say, but the two have definite chemistry, as evidence by their past work together. From the very beginning, the reader is never allowed to think that Drum lives in a world that is even the slightest bit ordinary, and the story benefits greatly from this. Werewolf girlfriends and peacocks laying golden eggs are ordinary in this world, and this odd, winding story lays it all out there. While there isn’t much resolution or any indication of what the story is ultimately about, it all kinda fits with this strange comic and only adds to the mystery and oddness of Drum Hellar and his strange past.

Drumhellar #1

Drumhellar #1

Rossmo handles all the art duties and colors. While most of the book is a bit more restrained than many of his works, there are few pages where Rossmo lets his frenetic, controlled chaos sort of style shine. The inclusion of both kinds of art gives the psychedelic parts of the book, done in the more chaotic style, a bit more flavor.

Drumhellar #1 doesn’t disappoint, especially not to fans of Rossmo. It’s a strange, winding story with a cast quite unlike any other. The well-placed jokes and comedic situations only make it even better. Definitely worth a read.

EDIT 11/11: Issue one sold out at the distributor level, and is going back to print. The second printing of issue one should release on 12/11, along with issue two.


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About the Author

Leo Johnson
Leo is a biology/secondary education major and one day may just be teaching your children. In the meantime, he's podcasting, reading comics, and hoping that they find life on another planet. He currently resides in Mississippi and can be found on Twitter at @LFLJ.