Dragon Ball FC SA

Dragon Ball Full Color Saiyan Arc Volume 1

Story and Art by Akira Toriyama

There’s a certain generation out there that was directly impacted by a little story called Dragon Ball Z. Following the life of Goku and friends, Dragon Ball Z was an integral aspect of many people growing up in the 90s. The manga by Akira Toriyama has been published in many forms, and the anime based on the series continues to circulate on various cartoon channels. In acknowledging this large fan base, VIZ Media will release  the first large, full-color version of the Saiyan Arc on February 4th.

For those unfamiliar with the Dragon Ball universe, the Saiyan Arc features the appearance of the Saiyans on earth. It’s up to Goku and his friends to stop this incredibly powerful race from taking over earth. It will take all of Goku’s strength – and teaming up with an unlikely ally – to stop the Saiyans.

What makes this version of the popular tale great is the attention to detail. The colors added to the classic manga are well-done From the first appearance of the Saiyans to Piccolo’s ultimate move, the colors only add to the action in each scene.  The oversized manga pages allow the reader to become ever more immersed in the action. Though pricier than a regular volume of manga, the Dragon Ball Full Color Saiyan Arc Volume 1 is a must-own for Dragon Ball fans of any age.

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