BOOM! Studios and its imprints preview The Art of Mouse Guard, Americatown #1, Sleepy Hollow: Providence #1, Clarence #3, Lantern City #4, Arcadia #4, Bill & Ted’s Most Triumphant Return #6, Bravest Warriors #35, and the Jim Henson’s Fraggle Rock: Journey to the Everspring hardcover, all of which arrive at comic shops on Wednesday.

Official previews:

Sleepy Hollow: Providence #1 (of 4)
Writer: Eric Carrasco
Artist: Victor Santos

What’s to Love: As fans anxiously await the start of the third season of Fox’s Sleepy Hollow TV show, we’ve got something to tide them over: a new, original story featuring their favorite characters, with Sleepy Hollow team member Eric Carrasco writing.

What It Is: Jenny returns to Sleepy Hollow with an ancient artifact she’s discovered: a mysterious shard of metal with untold power. But as Ichabod and Abbie investigate, the artifact attracts a demonic biker gang called The Wild Hunt, ready to cut down anyone who stands in their way.

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Arcadia #4
Writer: Alex Paknadel
Artist: Eric Scott Pfeiffer

Corey, Sam, and Lee Garner are locked up in prison, while in the real world Valentin experiments with extracting an Arcadian and uploading them to the brain of a live mouse with horrifying results.

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Bill & Ted’s Most Triumphant Return #6 (of 6)
Writer: Brian Lynch
Artist: Jerry Gaylord

Final issue! Bill and Ted face off against Chuck De Nomolos in the future he controls for an epic Battle of the Bands to save the future of mankind! Features a back-up story by Brian Joines (Secret Identities) and Bachan (Rocket Salvage) about Princesses Elizabeth and Joanna going medieval on some troublesome rocker chicks from the future.

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Clarence #3 (of 4)
Imprint: KaBOOM!

Writer: Liz Prince
Artist: Evan Palmer

After a show-and-tell gone wrong, Clarence, Sumo, and Jeff get jobs to replace Kimby’s dollhouse.

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Bravest Warriors #35
Imprint: KaBOOM!

Writer: Kate Leth
Artist: Ian McGinty

Penultimate issue! It’s the Bravest Warriors biggest adventure yet, and it’ll take all of them working together to make it through this one!

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Americatown #1 (of 8 )
Imprint: Archaia

Writers: Bradford Winters & Larry J. Cohen
Artist: Daniel Irizarri

What’s to Love: Part social commentary, part family drama, Americatown asks: What if the American Dream gave way to the American Nightmare? In their inaugural comic series, screenwriters Bradford Winters (Oz, Boss, The Americans) and Larry Cohen (Netflix’s Borgia), give us a story great for fans of Transmetropolitan, Children of Men, and the TV show Black Mirror.

What It Is: After an economic collapse and other disasters in the near future, Americans are now the legal and illegal immigrants living abroad. They find work in cities like Buenos Aires, where their very own enclave known as “Americatown” has taken root. Owen, a recent arrival, begins a journey to support and save his splintered family divided between the enclave and home back in the U.S. His struggle is just a small part of the hardships and conflicting agendas in an immigrant community trying to build itself in the shadow of a once great nation.

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Lantern City #4
Imprint: Archaia

Writers: Matthew Daley & Mairghread Scott
Artist: Carlos Magno

When Sander discovers that his family is missing, Lizel informs him that they might be in the Underground, a dangerous city hidden in subterranean caverns beneath Lantern City.

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Jim Henson’s Fraggle Rock: Journey to the Everspring HC
Imprint: Archaia

Writer: Kate Leth
Artist: Jake Myler

What’s to Love: Our Fraggle Rock anthologies were the first comics we published with our friends at The Jim Henson Company and ever since then, we’ve always wanted to tell an epic, Fraggle-tastic story only possible in comics. Now we have our chance! Join New York Times bestselling author Kate Leth (Adventure Time: Seeing Red) and illustrator Jake Myler (Orphan Blade) as they take the beloved characters of Fraggle Rock on their biggest adventure yet.

What It Is: When the water supply of Fraggle Rock mysteriously runs dry, Gobo, Red, Mokey, Wembley, and Boober will have to journey deep into the caves of Fraggle Rock to find the fabled Everspring. Along the way, they’ll encounter spooky creatures, discover the Crystal Caves, and meet a never-before-seen colony of Doozers! Collects the complete miniseries, issues #1-4.

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The Art of Mouse Guard: 2005-2015 HC
Imprint: Archaia

Writer: David Petersen
Artist: David Petersen

What’s to Love: Since its debut in 2005, David Petersen’s Mouse Guard has been a New York Times bestseller, won Eisner and Harvey awards, and has become an influential staple of the comics industry, earning thousands of fans. In honor of the 10-year anniversary of the series’ debut issue, The Art of Mouse Guard: 2005-2015 is a celebration of the beautiful world, memorable characters, and intensive artistic process of David Petersen’s beloved series.

What It Is: Celebrate the first 10 years of a comics classic from the very first sketch. For the first time since the series debut, David Petersen’s process for creating the world of Mouse Guard and bringing it to life in stunning illustration is documented in exquisite detail. With never-before-seen sketches; 100 pages of full-color, oversized artwork; and commentary from colleagues, collaborators, and Petersen himself, readers and fans get an unprecedented look behind-the-pages at how their favorite characters and adventures were born.

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