Ads are everywhere these days. They’re played during our favorite programs; they’re scattered across billboards or buildings; they’re popping all over your webpages; and depending on the comic book you’re reading, they’re found before and after a dramatic panel. While advertisers have found new ways to promote their products to the growing ad-blocking public, Roberto Vergati Santos decided to remove the subtlety and dress these popular DC and Marvel superheroes like they’re sponsored NASCAR Racers. From live action to illustrated depictions, Santos’ photoshoped ads are skillfully integrated on superheros like Superman and Captain America. There’s not much variation in the ads themselves, but Santos’ photoshops are amusingly reminiscent of other commercially parodied characters like Captain Amazing from Mystery Men, or Booster Gold from Smallvile. Below are some of the best images from Santos’ Sponsored Heroes gallery.

To view the rest of his work, please visit Santos’ official website.


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