Everyone suffers from a creative rut once in their life, including Pixar artist Everett Downing. To break away from his artistic block, Downing made a New Year’s resolution way back in 2010 to draw a new superhero everyday for one full year. While his one year goal unintentionally stretched out to three, Downing has currently drawn 306 brilliantly designed quirky superheroes, with only 59 more left to go. In this interview with Wired, Downing states the inspiration for his comical do-gooders come from a list of names suggested by friends and loyal readers of his 365 superhero blog that range from the cool to the outright bizarre. When all is said and done, Downing plans on making a one-shot comic featuring the best of his creations. Until that day comes, here’s a few of Downing’s noteworthy superheroes, with the rest available at his 365 website.


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