Apocalypse Al #2 Preview

Posted By on March 3, 2014


Allison Carter is a paranormal investigator tasked with stopping various apocalypses from happening.

From Image:

You know your day is off to a crummy start when Ultimate Darkness gives you an up-close-and-personal tour of their planned Apocalypse.  Then, when the screaming stops, you still have the techno-wizard who has his eyes on your bra and the keys to the Cybervoid, not to mention killer viruses, guilt-inducing apparitions from the afterlife, and a dozen three-inch-tall, machine gun-toting imps determined to blow you and your car into the next world. That’s just the start of the day for Allison Carter in her desperate attempt to prevent the End of the World. Step up for one of the funniest and most surreal detective stories ever printed about someone named Al.





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2 Responses to “Apocalypse Al #2 Preview”

  1. The Pull List March 5th, 2014 | Mara Wood says:

    […] We were introduced to Allison Carter in the first issue. This paranormal investigator is responsible for stopping various apocalypses from happening. She’s had success, but has she finally met her match? Check out a preview of this new issue! […]

  2. The Pull List March 5th, 2014 | International Geek Girl Pen Pals Club says:

    […] We were introduced to Allison Carter in the first issue. This paranormal investigator is responsible for stopping various apocalypses from happening. She’s had success, but has she finally met her match? Check out a preview of this new issue! […]

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About the Author

Mara Whiteside is a doctoral student in School Psychology with a research focus in comic books and how to use this medium in therapy and educational settings. She tends to spend most of her day reading comic books, writing about comic books, and thinking about comic books (kind of a one-track mind…). Mara’s other hobbies include reading manga, playing Dungeons & Dragons, and improving her understanding of visual literacy. You can find her at www.thesecretlifeofcomicbooks.blogspot.com and www.talkingcomicbooks.com. Follow her on Twitter as @MarvelousMaraW.