Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen #1 is the first of a five-part bi-weekly series featuring the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors plus their companions from the comic world – Gabby, Cindy, Alice, Rose and Captain Jack. As you will have guessed from the title, it also has Cybermen plus a few other classic enemies. Take a deep breath!
In the sense of the timeline, as much as the Doctor has a timeline anyway, the Twelfth Doctor (the Peter Capaldi version) has spent the last four billion years escaping imprisonment at the hands of Lord High President Rassilon. The Doctor had almost mellowed before that, but now he might be a little tetchy. The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith) has recently been in a battle with the Cybermen and an alliance of enemies at the Pandorica at Stonehenge, just before he rebooted the universe. The Tenth Doctor (David Tennant) has just been in 1851 facing the Cyber-King and hides his guilt about the Time War behind a happy persona. The Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) is newly regenerated and has not encountered the Cybermen in his current form, although he knows them very well.
Right, onto the story of Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen #1. It’s shaping up to be a great one, with the intertwining stories helping to give it real pace. If this was a TV episode you’d be on the edge of your seat, mouth hanging open and trying not to blink. The art has that diverse Doctor comic style you’d expect, where we move between desolate planets, war-torn modern cities, prehistoric greenery and futuristic space settings with ease.
The Twelfth Doctor has (crash) landed the TARDIS on Karn, a planet with strong links to Gallifrey and home to the Sisterhood of Karn. With some pleasure, he gets to say “Take me to your leader”.
The Eleventh Doctor is on prehistoric earth looking for an unusual gift until he runs into some trouble with the local wildlife and a familiar enemy.
The Tenth Doctor is in 24th Century Deep Space, riding on a space ship (“technically it’s a bus”) because the TARDIS can’t travel through the Null Zone, an aftereffect of something he wants to gloss over. They’re heading towards Cosmomart, an entire planet converted to being a shopping mall with a food hall the size of Africa. When he arrives the state of the shopping mall tells him something is very wrong.
The Ninth Doctor is in London 2006 with Rose and Captain Jack, although it’s a London ravaged by a three-day war with the Cybermen. They’ve captured his TARDIS, and he plans to get it back. He suspects the Cybermen have some help as they’ve colonised the planet in a very short space of time. You may have noticed that there might be a few Doctors without a TARDIS. That could be important…
Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen #1 is written by Cavan Scott (Ninth Doctor, Vikings) and George Mann (Eighth Doctor, Dark Souls). Artwork is by Alessandro Vitti (Avengers Arena), Ivan Rodriguez (Doktor Sleepless), Walter Giovanni (Red Sonja) and Nicola Righi (Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor). Issue #1 will be in stores and on digital platforms on Wednesday, July 6th 2016, just in time for this year’s global Doctor Who Comics Day event on Saturday, July 9th.
32pp – $3.99 – On sale: July 6
Cover A: Alessandro Vitti
Cover B: Will Brooks – Photo
Cover C: Fabio Listrani
Cover D: Coloring-in Variant
Cover E: Blank Sketch
Forbidden Planet/Jetpack Store Variant
Fried Pie Variant: Claudia Caranfa (available at Books-A-Million and 2nd & Charles stores)
Diamond SDCC Variant: Des Taylor (available at SDCC 2016)