Man of Steel

Image source: Superman Fans

After putting their viral marketing to good use with a video transmission from General Zod, Warner Bros. counted down to a third theatrical trailer of the Man of Steel.

With the trailer opening with Jor-El (Russel Crowe) and Lara Lor-Van (Ayelet Zurer) talking about if their son will be accepted in his new home world, the latest Man of Steel preview emphasizes on what truly makes Superman super. Quotes being ripped from the pages like All-Star Superman’s “They will join you in the sun” and “It’s not an S” from Superman: Birthright will make Superman fans squeal in joy. (It certainly made Birthright’s writer and Superman enthusiast, Mark Waid, do so.) However, the most powerful verbal exchange from the trailer comes from Jonathan Kent (Kevin Coster) comforting a young Clark Kent when he hears he’s an alien:

Clark: Can I just . . .  keep pretending that I’m your son?

Jonathan: You are my son.

While the Man of Steel trailer is filled with strong emotional punches like the quote above, there are also a lot of physical ones as well. From Superman soaring intensely in the sky to clobbering General Zod in mid-air, Man of Steel offers an awe-inspiring and action-driven Superman that’s been recently neglected in his live action adaptations. Rounding out the three-minute preview is a glimpse of Superman’s chemistry with his longtime love interest Lois Lane portrayed by Amy Adams. Superman correcting Lois’s miscomprehension of his S-shield by saying it’s “a symbol of hope from his planet” perfectly sums up the trailer, as Man of Steel offers hope for fans wanting a satisfying Superman film and possibly seeing the same treatment for DC Comics’ other heroes.

Directed by Zack Snyder and written by David S. Goyer, the Christopher Nolan produced Man of Steel film will arrive on June 14, 2013.


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