The Joe Schmo Show Season 3-4: Say Hey to Ray Ray

Posted By on January 23, 2013

The Joe Schmo Show

The Joe Schmo Show keeps the entertainment going with more twists and spins for the “Joe”, Chase Rogan. This episode, “Say Hey to Ray Ray,” begins with  Chase, still believing everything is real, being propositioned by a female bounty that he is holding at gunpoint until Jake Montrose, the show’s host, can return. Of course good guy Chase does not even humor the thought of those propositions; and when Jake gets back, Chase returns to the van excited he was included in that capture. Jake Montrose is not only the host but is also a famous bounty hunter, at least that is what Chase thinks. Ralph Garman is the actor that plays as Jake and also was the same guy who hosted The Joe Schmo Show Seasons 1 & 2 and recently played in the movie Ted  including several other movie and television roles. Wow, they are really taking a gamble that Chase does not recognize this guy. So far, Chase doesn’t have a clue.

Back at the house the contestants are relaxing and Karlee “The Deaf Girl” decides to demonstrate the number of push ups she can do. Karlee is played by actress Jo Newman. Chase comments about how strong her shoulders must be and while turning her head toward Chase she answers, “Yeah”. OH MY GOSH! What was she thinking? Chase replies with, “Did you hear me?” Everyone including Karlee freezes with a just got busted look while Chase sits there analyzing what just happened. Karlee sits down without saying another word and the cast quickly redirect Chase’s attention to something else. He questions himself on whether Karlee was actually looking at him when he spoke or if something fishy is going on. The cast and crew know that Chase is not dumb, they know he will be thinking about the incident and watching for signs to figure out what just happened as the show continues.


The next immunity challenge goes without incident and Chase wins immunity. Randy “The Asshole” is played by Michael Weaver. Chase does not like Randy and is very uncomfortable with how he talks around the ladies of the house with his vulgar sexual descriptions so he wants to vote Randy off in the next elimination ceremony. Chase is awesome! His main reason for wanting to get rid of Randy is because he is rude. It seemed like Chase wanted to say something to Randy about being out of line with the ladies, and if one of them had spoken up strongly on the matter, he probably would have raced to their defense.

The elimination ceremony does not go as Chase thought, instead of getting an opportunity to vote off Randy, Lavernius (LV) “The Black Guy,” played by Segun Oduolowu, decides to quit the show, he recently revealed his  homosexuality to the rest of the contestants and would like to go home to his boyfriend. Chase knew about LV being gay but is shocked by his decision to leave the show. Chase probably felt closer to L.V. as an ally and friend than anyone else on the show especially since Chase had been trusted by LV to keep his sexual preference a secret early on. It’s alright Chase, LV did not really just walk away from 100,000 dollars.


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About the Author

Dean Self
Dean is a Star Wars and Star Trek fanatic that enjoys science fiction as well as action, comedy, and history related topics. He spends some of his spare time working on various personal projects and is an avid online gamer. He cut his teeth on games like Asteroids, Defender, and Galaga, he loves racing games and first person shooters. You can follow him on twitter; @Curn69