Strip Search 1.29: The Two Month Pant Kick

| June 12, 2013

Who will win? I know who I

In what is surprisingly the last art-off between the contestants, the final three are left to compete for the top spot. In Project Runway style, the final three are being sent home and given two months (or, 86,400 minutes as Jerry so preciously intones) to complete the work for the final challenge.

Strip Search 1.28: And Then There Were Three

| June 12, 2013

Katie wins. AGAIN. Lexxy loses. AGAIN. Maki is safe. AGAIN.

It’s Maki vs. Lexxy in the dungeon. While there’s not much that can really be said for this elimination, as it was all kind of blasé, what really stood out as the death knells for one of them were two of Lexxy’s comments.

Strip Search 1.27: Derpy Contractual Trolling

| June 11, 2013

Schooling of any kind can be hard. Not being schooled in contracts can be career ending.

After last episode’s Landmarkpalooza, The Final Four are back at the Penny Arcade headquarters for some contractual schooling. Good luck guys. But, as Graham reminds them (and us), it’s easy to get hosed with a bad contract, as Jerry and Mike once learned when they once signed away all the rights to Penny Arcade. Let’s not let those kinds of things happen, hmmm?

Strip Search 1.26: An Hour Outside In The Cold

| June 11, 2013

The Landmark Scavenger Hunt

After the Eighth Elimination challenge and its somewhat unsurprising upset, especially after seeing the submitted strips by Abby and Tavis, we’re down to The Final Four! At what looks like an ungodly hour in the early a.m., Graham takes the artists back to downtown Seattle for a scavenger hunt. At an ungodly hour. Sorry, Maki, [...]

Strip Search 1.25: Where High Concept Loses To Hilarity

| May 28, 2013

Minus one of these will leave us with four. Math is cool.

It’s Tavis vs. Abby in the Iron Artists’ art-off! And, per the “standards” set by the creators, Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins, we’re privy to another Ramsey-esque round of heckling. You’ve got to admit that this aspect is the closest we’ve come to what television calls reality TV nowadays. Except it’s far funnier and not intentionally hurtful or insane.

Strip Search 1.24: That’s President Ojama To You

| May 28, 2013


“Quick & Consistent” makes a very good point about what purchasing something from the artists means to the fans. For the artists, it’s one of perhaps thousands of items they autograph and send off. For the fans, it’s possibly the only thing they have, and it means alot to me, err, them. Lexxy backs this [...]

Strip Search 1.23: We’re An Artist Safari. Of Awesome.

| May 22, 2013

The tiniest bit of down time.

While I’d bet heavy cash that half the viewing audience viewed this episode as slow and droll, the other half, who happen to be as wise as myself, will enjoy getting to know Abby, Lexxy, Tavis, Maki, and Katie a  little bit better. Just having time to listen to them chat and share their thoughts [...]

Strip Search 1.21: Winning is Lined with Awesome

| May 14, 2013


I have to admit I particularly enjoyed this table tennis ep a lot more than last week’s snooze fest. Learning how doubles is played was interesting, notably that each player must alternate hitting the ball. If any one teammate hits the ball twice in a row, it’s point for the other team.

Strip Search 1.20: It’s Paddlin’ Time

| May 9, 2013

Tavis and Katie, ballin

Day 7 begins! Graham tells the six remaining artists to pack their bags and load up. it’s another physical challenge. Robert Khoo, the reigning Penny Arcade table tennis champ, greets everyone and explains the importance of the sport to the inner workings of the Penny Arcade mega-machine. Which, yes, it’s totally true, but come on, could we please see some more art?

Strip Search 1.9: The Naughty Mysteries (TM)

| May 7, 2013

Tavis wins, Abby stays, Erika poops the bucket.

So, in the midpoint of the show, Tavis selected Erika and Abby for the dungeon draw after winning the Just The Tips challenge. He had good reasons, but it was we who were rewarded with entertainment of the purest kind.

Strip Search 1.18: Trolling for Tips

| May 3, 2013

Tavis wins, and Robert Khoo gets a +15 to his next troll roll.

After the quietly entertaining Strip Search Grand Prix racing, the elimination challenged zoomed forward as the artists went back to the  merchandise booths they’d set up the day prior. There they find out that they’ll be sketching for tips. Put out the organ grinder and monkey, folks! Kris Straub author/artist of Broodhollow and is [...]

Strip Search 1.17: The Artists [Sort Of] Go All Out

| April 29, 2013

The remaining seven.

Day 6 of Strip Search from Penny Arcade TV begins less one highly competitive person. Just as each of the five previous days have started, so does this one also begin with a social game: Grand Prix go-cart racing!