Jen Sylvia | June 11, 2013
After last episode’s Landmarkpalooza, The Final Four are back at the Penny Arcade headquarters for some contractual schooling. Good luck guys. But, as Graham reminds them (and us), it’s easy to get hosed with a bad contract, as Jerry and Mike once learned when they once signed away all the rights to Penny Arcade. Let’s not let those kinds of things happen, hmmm?
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Tags: Abby Howard, Alex Hobbs, Amy Falcone, comic strip, comics, Contracts, Contractual Obligations, Episode 1x27, Erika Moen, Gabe, Graham Stark, Image, images, Jerry Holkins, Katie Rice, Lexxy Douglas, Mac Schubert, Maki Naro, Mike Krahulik, Monica Ray, Nick Trujillo, Penny Arcade, recap, review, Robert Khoo, Shows and Shorts, Strip Search, Tavis Maiden, Ty Halley, Tycho Brahe, web comic, web series, web show, webcomics, webisode, YouTube