

Orphan Black 1.4: Roots Do Matter
2 years ago

Orphan Black 1.4: Roots Do Matter

The new clone's meddling; another, unspoken clue.

This week, Orphan Black proved itself as excellent mystery and suspense television that can knot up the mystery twice as fast as it can unravel it. Further explored are the notions of nature versus nature, and how “Effects of External Conditioning” can mold a person. Or clones, in this instance. Same people, different influences.

Orphan Black 1.3: Variations Under Nature


Sarah comes face to face with two other copies: high strung Alison who gets the full on clone-slap for pointing a gun at Felix, and the more relaxed but brainiac version, Cosima. Sarah gets the 411 on the Clone Club, first rule being “Don’t talk about Clone Club.”

Move Review: Kiss Of The Damned (2013)
2 years ago

Move Review: Kiss Of The Damned (2013)


Of late, has there been a more over exposed type of film that the Vampire film? Wouldn’t it be great if someone tried something different? Then Kiss Of The Damned could be for you. It is a very slow burning romance/thriller that has the hallmarks of a Hammer Horror film mixed with an arthouse type feel and has some wonderful visuals.

Orphan Black 1.2: Instinct of a Cloned Kind


Orphan Black is back! While definitely not as frenzied (but does it ever have its moments) as its pilot,it is every bit as intense. And while there were a few moments that were simply too obvious, the mystery itself is still every bit as intriguing.

Orphan Black 1.1: The Grass On This Side Will Eat You Up


Not only is Orphan Black excellent, it is a near 180 counterpoint to Doctor Who. Part Dollhouse, part Ringer, part Dark Angel, and yet all its own.
Orphan Black has no innocence, its main character, Sarah, is a quick-thinking punk from England who can hustle.

Movie Review: Premium Rush (2012)
2 years ago

Movie Review: Premium Rush (2012)

By  •  Movies

Sure, the biking cinematography was excellent. Better yet, it was believable – even a bit tension-filled at times. Much credit to director David Koepp for that, if not for the script. But never is there an element of what an action or thriller is supposed to make you feel, which is thrilled.

Bookworms: Gun Machine (2012) by Warren Ellis

By  •  Books

Readers of this site will surely know Warren Ellis for his excellent comic books. Gun Machine is Ellis’ second non-graphic novel (which isn’t to say it’s not plenty graphic at times). His first, Crooked Little Vein, was perhaps more notable for its relentless weirdness than its quality as a story. Is this second outing more successful for Ellis, or should he stick with graphic novels?

Movie Review: The Grey (2012)
3 years ago

Movie Review: The Grey (2012)


Starting off in an oil refinery in Alaska, the bleak landscape and Ottway’s (Liam Neeson) voiceover gives you an idea of the kind of gritty, depressing and dark things to come. Everyone is flying home – wherever that maybe – only the plane ends up crashing and the survivors have to compete against the weather, each other and a pack of deadly and hungry wolves.
