And welcome back to our ongoing coverage of Greg Rucka and Michael Lark’s Lazarus.
The standard preamble: We trust you know what Lazarus is, and you know why we …
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Jeremy Saulnier’s Blue Ruin is a revenge thriller, yet it becomes more than that as it explores themes that other revenge films either ignore or gloss over. It is in the exploring of these themes that raises Blue Ruin to a level above similar films. A brief story outline: An outsider’s life off the grid is turned upside down when he returns to his childhood home to carry out an act of vengeance.
Grand Piano plays like a more mobile and less frantic Phone Booth. Eschewing the ‘punishing the wicked’ modus operandi from Phone Booth, it does keep the same kind of tension. However, to compare the two films is a bit unfair as the films are vastly different, but have the one common element tying them together.
When a writer and a director known for their takes on the dark side of life get together for a film, the chances are that it is not going to be a happy, cheerful film. The Canyons, written by novelist Bret Easton Ellis and directed by Paul Schrader. Christian (James Deen), an LA trust-fund kid with casual ties to Hollywood, goes about his life in a very sociopathic manner…
The GOLIATH is the gigantic robot now guarding Derleth State Penitentiary. Derleth used to be awful; some would have called it hell on earth. The convicts were dangerous, with factions …
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The season finale of the BBC’s clone-tastic series Orphan Black begins! What will the season finale answer? That’s the wrong question. What new mysteries will be left dangling in our faces? That’s the right one. Through one episode after another, Orphan Black has kept us guessing, and this one is no exception.
Sarah has given her personal deets to Helena in exchange for her and Paul’s safety. Helena has trimmed Olivier’s tail. Art has discovered Sarah Manning in connection to Katja and Beth, though he doesn’t know the whys or hows…. And that’s where we are as we plummet into “Entangled Bank,” two episodes away from the season’s finale.
Three genetic identicals are working together: Alison, Cosima, and Sarah. Alison and Cosima have monitors, but no one is really sure who they are. The dead identical, Beth, had a monitor, Paul, who unknowingly was monitoring Sarah. Now Sarah and Paul have a somewhat honest truce, even with Olivier playing puppeteer…
Herein lies a movie that takes nearly every teen trope, slaps them together in a story, films it and then has the wherewithal to ask people to actually pay …
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[Full episode recap with a side of review!]
Last week, Sarah/Beth quit Beth’s job. Helena, stabbed by Sarah, survived and was picked up by a mysterious man. It seems …
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