Movie Review: The Lego Movie (2014)

| February 10, 2014


With movies based on toy franchises getting a bad rap these days, one would think that a toy as basic as LEGO would be a guaranteed stinker. The LEGO Movie is surprisingly good and is worthy enough for anyone of any age to watch.

Movie Review: White House Down (2013)

| June 21, 2013

white house down

White House Down is Roland Emmerich in fine form—no, not just fine, the best he has been in years. Sure, you might know how this ends, but the journey is an exhilarating ride full of smart characters, humor, great action and a civics lessons about the chain of command.

Movie Review: G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)

| March 29, 2013


“The Joes” are back, (well some of them at least), after 2009′s The Rise of Cobra, but this time not only must they battle Cobra Commander’s latest scheme, they also have to contend with the fallout from having their release date back moved from June 29, 2012 to March 29, 2013.

Movie Review: G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)

| March 29, 2013

GI Joe poster

If you were disappointed by the first G.I. Joe film, The Rise of Cobra, don’t worry – G.I. Joe: Retaliation is a much better movie. This time the filmmakers understand the nature of G.I. Joe, an outlandish, high-octane thrill ride sprinkled with bits of character moments. Gone is the focus on the motivation behind Cobra, […]

Movie Review: G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013)

| March 29, 2013


While President Zartan publicly decries the surviving Joes as enemies of America, saboteaurs team to free Cobra Commander. The Cobra organization is free to menace the world, unless fugitive Joes, now joined by the original G.I. Joe, can stop them.

Box Office Back Issues: G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra (2009)

| March 25, 2013


BOX OFFICE BACK ISSUES is a new feature here at the Movies Section of NerdSpan where we revisit the previous installments in a comic book movie franchise, in anticipation of the next adventure–a rummage through the metaphorical movie longbox. Critics were generally pretty unkind to the inaugural big-screen, live action G.I. Joe adventure, The Rise […]

Movie Review: Olympus Has Fallen (2013)

| March 25, 2013


The idea of the White House being overrun by a small army of hostile nationals is about as likely as…well, about as likely as two movies about a besieged Oval Office being released in the same year, really (Roland Emmerich’s White House Down, starring Jamie Foxx and Channing Tatum, is due in theaters this June). […]

Movie Review: Side Effects (2013)

| February 9, 2013


When the film begins, it seems Side Effects wants to intelligently discuss mental illness and the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry, but last half of the film ditches any meaningful premises and devolves into psychological thriller territory better navigated by Alfred Hitchcock.