Movie Review: Thor: The Dark World (2013)

| November 3, 2013


With the nine realms under control after the restoration of the Bifrost, Thor and his Asgardian and Human allies must face a powerful ancient enemy, as Malekith and the Dark Elves return seeking vengeance upon the entire universe.

Movie Review: RED 2 (2013)

| July 24, 2013


Frank Moses (Bruce Willis) and the rest of the Retired, Extremely Dangerous spies from 2010’s RED are back, finding themselves once again in trouble. Although, this time, the novelty of pensioners wielding pistols is wearing a little thin.

Movie Review: Hitchcock (2012)

| March 21, 2013


The second of two high-profile 2012 films about “The Master Of Suspense” (the other being The Girl, the HBO movie starring Toby Jones), Hitchcock finds the director seeking to challenge moviegoers’ expectations about his work in the wake of North By Northwest‘s blockbuster success (one of the espionage-themed projects he immediately turns down is an [...]