Tony DeZuniga

Image source: The Savage Sword of Conan Myspace

To commemorate the memory of Filipino comic book artist Tony DeZuniga (Jonah Hex, Black Orchid, The Savage Sword of Conan), Stockton-Con has renamed their second annual art contest the Tony DeZuniga Memorial Art Contest.

Being the first accepted Filipino artist by American publishers and paving the way for others, DeZuniga’s made several significant contributions to the comic book art world. He not only brought a fresh and realistic art style from his advertising days during the 1970s, but co-created Jonah Hex and The Black Orchid for DC Comics. The issues DeZuniga collaborated with John Buscema on The Savage Sword of Conan are among the best example of his artwork, demonstrating the beauty and brutality in his characters. Before passing away last year from a stroke, DeZuniga mentored many amateur artists residing in Stockton, California. DeZungiga’s wife, Tina DeZuniga, had this to say about Stockton-Con honoring her late husband:

Naming the Art Contest after Tony is such a great honor. I wish Tony could see the success of Stockton-Con. I myself was so surprised by last year’s attendance. The organizers worked so hard and people really traveled just to attend the event. I’m so proud and so honored to be part of this event.

Along with naming their art contest after the famed artist, Stock-Con is asking participants of all ages to create a “Tribute to Tony” poster (11”x17”) in their medium of choice. In addition of cash prizes, the first place winner will receive an upcoming cover of Action Lab Entertainment’s Ghost Town. Here’s a complete rundown of the prizes:

  • First Prize – $250 cash prize, Future cover of Action Lab’s Ghost Town, $100 Gift Certificate to Ka-Blam, Back Cover of Stockton-Con program
  • Second Prize – $100 cash prize — $50 Gift Certificate to Ka-Blam Inside Back Cover of Stockton-Con program
  • Third Prize – $50 cash prize — $25 Gift Certificate to Ka-Blam
  • Fan Favorite — Inside Front Cover of Stockton-Con program, Professional Framing for entry piece by Deck The Walls ($200 value)

For more on how to enter, visit Stock-Con’s sign up page.

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